Chapter 9. My Immortal

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The space between Dean's prayers seemed to drag on and Castiel wondered how long it had been for his hunter. It was hard to say that time passed differently, because there really was no time in this never-ending forest.

Hey Cas, he heard in his mind suddenly, I really hope you're okay. I'm safe up here, and I made a friend in the gal that's driving me down south. It's weird, though - I think she knows who I am. I'll keep you posted. Love you.

The next one came along shortly (or so it felt to Cas, but it could have been days or even weeks between. Angels don't register time as humans do).

Hey Cas, Dean started again. This girl, Carmen, is what I think they call a fangirl. You know, like overly obsessed with nerd topics. I think Charlie would like her. Maybe I should set the two up, that'd be so funny. Although they could probably take on anyone while working together; they're both pretty badass. Do you think I should do it? Not that you can answer me. God, I miss you, Cas. This is worse than any hell I've been through. I hope you're okay. Love you.

The angel could only assume that Dean was praying to him at a certain time every day, because the prayers seemed regularly spaced apart. They became the one thing that Cas had to look foreword to, now.

Cas? The next one came through. God, I hope you're okay. I'm really worried about you. Oh, and never mind about Charlie and Carmen. We're staying at her friend's for the night and it's so obvious that they're in love. I mean, even they know it; they have a 'ship name' and everything. I don't know what's stopping them - oh wait, yes I do. Sabrena, her friend, is kind of straight. It's ridiculous, watching them flirt and make eyes at each other. I think I even heard Carmen call Sabrena 'Angel.' It fits her, she has eyes practically as blue as yours. Seeing them just makes me miss you more. I love you, Angel.




Dean sat bolt upright as he was so rudely awakened by his driver, his seatbelt locking up and almost choking him.

"What the fuck?" He asked as Carmen cackled from the driver's seat.

"Wake up!" She shouted. "We'll be there in approximately five minutes. I have to go over a few things before we get there. First, she and I are not a couple. Yes, I do have to address this because it will be very confusing to you in the beginning. Second, we are both the highest level of fangirl you can get and I'm so sorry to put you through this, but it should be okay. I told her to behave herself. And third, don't take any opened drink from her hand during the entire time we're there. She made a love potion and hasn't tested it yet, so I don't know if it's toxic or not. You might or might not get poisoned from anything you take from her."

Dean sat up straighter and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I don't know what made you think that I would get any of what you said with my mind being so asleep and all, but I feel like the gist of what your said was "she's a madwoman, don't trust her."

"That is correct. And I expect you to be a kind and gracious houseguest! No hitting on her, either. She's mine. Look at this! We're here!"

Carmen had just pulled into a driveway belonging to the prettiest house he'd ever seen. It was well kept, but not over the top like some. She had trees perfectly arranged around her average sized yard and everything was beautifully landscaped.

"Come on, let's go!" Carmen squealed, jumping out of the car. Dean followed the girl up the walk and watched as she quietly opened the door and walked inside.

"Honey, I'm home!" She called out, and suddenly there was a squeal from another part of the house. A blond woman - Dean assumed she was probably the same age as Carmen - came running into the room.

"Stop right there," Carmen held out her hand in the 'stop' signal. "Can I hold you to your word on that heart surgery? I promise I haven't been smoking weed, but angel, you just made my heart skip a beat."

Sabrena 'awwed' and started laughing as she walked up to hug Carmen. "How long have you been working on that one?" She asked mid-embrace.

"Darlin', that was spur-of-the-moment material." The brunette pulled away to wink at her 'friend.' "Wait until you see what I've got planned. Oh, where are my manners? Dean, this is Sabrena. Sabrena, Dean. We'll be staying the night. Do you have food? I'm starving!"

"You know where the fridge is! I just stocked up, so you can help yourself. But don't you even think about eating my ice cream! I need that for the season finale."

"Oh my gosh!" Carmen shouted, "have you recorded the season?!"

"Yes!" Sabrena yelled back, "we are sooo having a marathon tonight."

Dean, who had absolutely no idea what was going on, cleared his throat quietly. The two girls fell silent and gave him the look of two deer trapped in the headlights.

"Umm..." Carmen hesitated. "How l-long have you been standing there?"

Dean chuckled nervously at her. "I came in with you."

"Well shit. You shouldn't have had to see that." Sabrena sighed dramatically. "I suppose by now you probably think we're insane. That would be because we are. I hope being in a house with two madwomen doesn't scare you, but having been trapped in a car with Carmen all day means you've probably already seen it all. Now, if you would like to join us, my wife and I are going to cry over the three new episodes about a certain consulting detective that Steven Moffat has blessed us with."

X1.5 hours laterX

Carmen sniffed loudly as the credits rolled, causing the other two to look at her.

"Carmen, why are you crying? It wasn't that sad!" Sabrena wrapped her arms around her friend and let Carmen cry into her shoulder.

"It was so sentimental! Like, what? I thought Sherlock didn't do sentiment! This isn't okay! Angel, I should know better than to do this to myself by now; why don't I learn?"

A look of realization slid onto Sabrena's face and she beckoned Dean over to her.

"I'll be right back," she whispered to him, "but I need you to take my place for a minute."

Dean nodded in shock, having absolutely no idea what was going on or what he was doing. As Sabrena left, the hunter hesitantly put his arms around the crying girl, who immediately wrapped herself around him and kept sobbing. As this continued, Dean started to panic. Just before he was about to do something (he had no idea what), Sabrena hurried back with a bag of chocolate chips in one hand and two blankets under the other arm.

"Why did you just tell me, love?" She asked as she gently took Dean's place again. The man just stood in utter confusion as Carmen wiped her face on one blanket and started eating the chocolate chips one by one.

"Yeah, because that's an excellent way to start a conversation. 'Hey there! Long time no see, huh? By the way, I'm PMSing and I need all the chocolate you have in the house.'" She noticed Dean standing there and addressed him as if it was her house rather than her friend's. "If you're hungry, there's leftovers in the fridge. The guest room is down the hall, third door on the left. Make yourself at home."

Dean did so, finding the room and sitting down on the bed to take off his boots.

"Cas?" He started, though he had no clue whether or not the angel, his angel, could hear a word he said.

He then proceeded to tell his lover everything that had happened, along with the promise that he would talk more soon.


A/N: Wow, guys. That was a long chapter for it being mostly filler. I was gonna include actual plot, but then writers block hit. Sorry for the late update! There'll be more soon! Love you people!

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