Chapter 5. Dust In The Wind

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'Forever and a half' didn't even begin to describe how long it felt to the angel, the hunter, and the vampire. They walked, Dean with his arm around Cas' back, Benny standing close to Dean's side.

There was constant darkness in the forest, and everything was damp. The world in Cas' memory kept feeling colder and farther away. Everything was slipping. The only thing keeping him grounded was his lover walking alongside him.
Castiel was brought suddenly back to reality when Dean stumbled over nothing. He looked up to see that under the hunter's eyes was darkened with lack of sleep and there was a deep crease between his brows.

"We should rest," Cas said slowly, concerned for his hunter.

Benny chuckled. "What makes you think we need sleep, Castiel? There's no night and day, not here."

The angel bristled. He didn't like the way Benny condescended to him. "As it seems you have forgotten, Dean is still technically a human. He still requires sleep and food."

Sighing, Dean conceded, "I am kind of spent. Just an hour or two will be fine."

Finding a nearby tree, Castiel sat down at its roots. "I'll keep watch. You can sleep now, Dean."

The hunter settled himself with his head rested in Cas' lap. Closing his eyes, he was lulled by his angel's fingers gently running through his (now much longer) hair, and sleep came to him quickly despite the chill in the air.

After a while of scouting the area, Benny returned to sit next to Cas.

"You really love him, don't you, brother?" He asked quietly.

The angel responded, "so do you. I know it's why you're helping us - him, I mean. You couldn't care less if I died down here."

Benny smiled softly. "I suppose that's mostly true. But can you blame me?"

"Not at all."

"I have a plan, you know."

Castiel sighed. "I figured as much. What is it?"

Chuckling, the vampire asked, "and why would I tell you that?"

"Because you're arrogant. You'll take any opportunity to show off. Just tell me this - will it keep Dean safe?"

"There's a portal," Benny began, "a human portal that Dean can get through. I plan to bond my essence with his and ride him out of this place. Unfortunately, that leaves you down here alone."

"'Unfortunately' my assbutt. Just one thing, though. What makes you think Dean Winchester would ever fall for you?"

Benny's grin slowly spread across his face. "First, I'll get him to trust me. Little things like saving his life, helping him out of situations. Then I'll get him to believe that he doesn't deserve to be with you, which is much easier than the other way around. Once he realizes that he can only save me, I'll be the one comforting him. From there, it's easy."

"Except it is the other way around," Cas murmured, still running his fingers through his lover's hair, "I don't deserve him. I don't know what he still sees in me."

"You're broken, Cas. Keep it up and you'll break him, too."

"I know," the angel whispered, "but what if ending it breaks him more?" Cas trailed his finger gently down the side of Dean's face and he smiled as he slept.

Benny smiled. "That's what I'll be there for." He chuckled down at the sleeping form in Castiel's lap. "He'll never know what hit him."

Dean stirred, unconsciously fisting Cas' sleeve, and put an end to the conversation.

A/N: Okay, I'm not so sure about the chapter title. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I love all of you very much.
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