Chapter 3

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Kask keeps on closing his eyes and then he opened them. He is impressed with what he saw in this place. He also smiled at the man and confidently approached him while his arms are cuffed.

"Your ancestor, King Magnus the first," said Kask, as he was smiling at the man "you must be  King Magnus the sixteenth. How is it now that you control three universes? Is searching me a good hobby?"

"You are my prisoner here, Shay," said the man named Magnus the XVI "Bring these three to the dungeon, Evie. I want Porter to see this."

"Yes, my lord," said the woman named Evie, and then she shoved Edward "come on,"

"I know, I can walk," said Edward angrily.

Kask and Leonard walked on to him while Edward was angry at Evie for pushing him. They walked for about thirty minutes onto a long staircase way down. Until they arrived at the very bottom they were in separate prison cells. the guards put them inside the cell and then some force field comes out of the cell. Edward tries to run through it but he was pushed back from his cell room. The guards and Evie laughed at him and Edward was embarrassed about it.

"You can't escape in this cell, Mister," said Evie while Edward stood up and sit on the floor "make yourselves comfortable while you two will die. The D.R.M. needs you alive, Shay, or whoever your name is. I don't know. I don't care, I will have that money someday."

"You are an odd one, Evie," said Kask, while making a weary grin. Both Leonard and Edward are bewildered by this situation "from what I saw you were just pleasing him. Pleasing him is a waste of time. He will eventually betray you."

"I'll get my reward. He promised me," scowled Evie, furiously

"You don't know him," said Kask with his grey eyes glaring at her, and Evie was terrified "I see through his eye and see through his mind. He is a manipulative person. He isn't trustworthy. All he does is waste time sitting on a throne and depending on others."

"What? You were going to be a slave here," said Evie, nervously. While Kask is glaring through her eyes "a slave I tell you, all of you will serve through me!!"

"I see it,"

"Ah," said Evie, putting both her hands on her ears "get out of my head."

"I see doubts within you," said Kask, closing his eyes  "you were once the empress of this small universe... let me go deeper to your mind! reveal those truths to me."

"No," said Evie, grunting while still holding on her both hands on her ear. Resisting "get out... please."

Leonard and Edward are looking at Evie and Kask they were confused about this situation. They were looking back and forth from Kask to Evie, and vice versa.

"Ah, here's the memory you want to forget," said Kask and realized the truth about Evie "I'll let you go now."

Evie gasped as if like her soul returned to her body, her eyes widened, and her heavy breathing. She was just standing still as if she was tortured to her very soul.

"What did you do to her?" Leonard asked.

"Her eyes," said Edward, gazing at Evie's eyes "those eyes have experienced such agony, trauma... that power... I know that power!"

"I just went through her mind and search for her deepest memories," said Kask as he opened his eyes and sit with his legs crossed "I have seen your past, Evie,"

"You should give yours in return," yelled Evie furiously.

"I'll tell it to everyone here first and then I'll tell mine," said Kask, as calm as ever  "you want to let everyone recall your past that you want to forget?"

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