Chapter 5

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Meanwhile in the Devil Town. Maria was standing on the hologram of the map of the multiverse. Wondering about the thing that Kask was once talking about.

"They have escaped," said Maria, and she slammed on the table "I want to know where is it."

The servant went to serve her a cup of coffee. He kneeled onto Maria and said.

"What is it that you want?"

"That thing," said Maria, as she kept on looking at the map "the thing that will conquer the multiverse, the so-called power of a god."

"That thing you want," said the servant looking up from her "why are you doing this? Why did you defy the order?"

"I defy them because they are weak," Maria answered the servant "I hate them for not focusing on the outer rim of the multiverse. I want to destroy the D.R.M. King Magnus and Porter. They must be destroyed. But I don't have the power to stop them. I need that thing."

While the ship was moving. Leonard was looking through the map and Evie was concerned about his plan.

"What is it that you want to do?" Evie asked.

"I want them to see something," said Leonard while looking through the map "to see that they don't need light and darkness to have the power to do anything."

"Destroying the eye? You can't-"

"Did I ever say that we should destroy it?"

Evie was stunned and then Leonard just shrugged her off. Evie went off and then went through Kask's room. While in the room Kask stood up and asked Evie, sincerely.

"Yes, have you come with questions?"

"Yeah, I do," Evie answered.

"Ask, and I will answer," 

"Are you supposed to stop Leonard from what he's doing?"

"His actions are his," Kask answered "he had enough with this conflict. Ending it with destruction can cause the world to rebuild again. The eye of the multiverse was at the very center of the multiverse and we are moving there right now."

When Evie is about to say something there was a shake in the ship. Leonard and Evie went into the control panel of the ship and they noticed a huge spaceship behind their back.

"Guys," yelled Edward on the radio while Kask keep on meditating "we've got company."

The big spaceship dispences smaller ships to infiltrate the crew's ship. Evie went into the turret pods and then Leonard went on to the other side of the control panel.

They struggled to escape from the universal fleet a bunch of small ships have been destroyed by Evie's aim with her turret she made on Edward's ship.

"We've been tracked by Porter's men," said Edward as he attempted to go hyperspeed to the center of the multiverse 

"No, Edward," said Leonard as he grabbed Edward's hand to the button that leads to hyperspeed "let's go here."


"Just go!" yelled Evie "I can't handle these ships forever."

As they went on to hyperspeed There was another big ship coming. And Kask was surprised about this including them. 

"No, it's them," said Leonard "the S.L.M.E they tracked us down?"

"We have no choice," said Edward, as he pressed the button and then they went through the big ship.

Kask went through them swiftly, grabbed them, and then teleported them somewhere.

The ship of S.L.M.E. split in half and then another ship of S.L.M.E arrived for the battle of S.L.M.E against D.R.M. 

Porter, Magnus, and James were surprised about this.

At Porter's ship with Magnus inside Magnus was infuriated that the S.L.M.E. was involved in this.

"Magnus," said Porter while standing on the ship "why does the ship of S.L.M.E here?"

"I-I guess..." said Magnus, clearing his throat "...they were looking for Leonard as well."

"Well, we have to follow Leonard and his crew," said Porter going through the smaller ship "I will go follow him by myself."

"Wait for me."

"No, you have to stay," said Porter as he's entering through the ship alone "destroy those S.L.M.E fools and we'll conquer the multiverse forever." 

Meanwhile, at the S.L.M.E. ship, James went into the control room with Lucy accompanying him James was so annoyed by the destruction of the other ship of his fleet. 

"Sir, I think Leonard went on to the center of the multiverse," said one of the pilots of the ship "there are some of the D.R.M fleet attacking us as well."

"We need to fight back," said James as he was going to the smaller ship as well "I'm going to do it myself."

"Wait, what about-"

"I'll let you lead the fleet, Lucy," said James and then he went off to the ship.

The fight went on... and raged on as many ships crashed and exploded. 

While the battle went on. Leonard, Edward, Evie, and Kask went into the center of the multiverse and then they saw it.

A crystal ball which consists of so many colors showing and then when they try to approach it all of a sudden James and Porter went in to fight for the ball.

They ran towards them as they fight for the ball themselves. Who will obtain such power? Who will conquer it all?

"Stop you two," yelled Kask, shoving them off telekinetically away from the crystal ball 

"What?" said both Porter and James at the same time.

"Step away from the eye," said Leonard, with a serious tone in his voice, and "take the ship, Edward, Evie..."

"Wait," said Edward, bewildered by Leonard's statement "we can't leave you here."

"Kask, leave them with you," said Leonard

Kask stares at Leonard one last time and then he nods to him. Until... someone points a blaster at him asking.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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