Chapter 6

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Maria went in pointing a gun at Kask. James and Porter were about to move to get the ball but they were surrounded by Maria's men and Maria sneered at all of them.

"Well, it's all over," she said, triumphantly "you have failed everyone, Kask, your student also had failed as well."

"Maria, what are you doing?" James asked while having mixed emotions of anger and fear "what have you become?"

"I have become stronger," said Maria, pridefully "stronger than any of you all. I can control them as much as I want. I will bring peace to the multiverse by conquering it. It's not only one group that should rule the multiverse, it was only one. One can rule them all."

Maria was about to approach the crystal ball and then when she tries to take it. Leonard rushed in swiftly. The guard was about to shoot point the blaster at him and then Kask pull the blaster at him. Maria was about to take the ball. Porter tackled Maria and she stunned Porter completely.

James was about to take the ball. Leonard was so far away from the ball. Leonard thinks while he was running. Does he have the choice to save the multiverse? Or wasn't he destined to save it? Leonard does nothing... he stands there completely.

While Kask and the others leave. Maria finally took the ball and then roared out triumphant laughter onto them.

"See? It's all over now," bellowed Maria as she held the ball "now, worship me."

Nothing happened, Leonard is still standing while Porter and James are confused at this moment.

"What? This isn't..." 

Maria shakes the ball and then it turns into ashes.

"It was a trick," said Porter

Leonard pulled out a huge smirk upon them as they realized that they had all fallen into a trap.

"Congratulations, Leaders," said Leonard, slowly clapping "as the last of the keeper. I will give you a final gift to you all..."

Something opened at the center of the multiverse. A dome, a screen dome that is filled with corpses, destroyed ships, environment, and universes filled with stars.

"...I will change this multiverse," Leonard went on, while Porter was about to punch him he was restrained by something that he cannot see "I will make an echo that will deafen everyone from the power of light and darkness."

Leonard's eyes went green and then he pulled something out of his pocket it was a remote with one red button.

"No, you can't-" said James.

Leonard pressed the button and...

A huge explosion occurred at the very center of the multiverse. Killing everyone around the multiverse and freeing everyone from the influence of the light and dark. A huge wave comes into the center of the multiverse. Evie, James, and Kask went out as far as possible and then went back to the outer rim of the multiverse.

"What just happened there?" Evie asked.

"Wait," said Edward as he stares around the place and saw that the sky appeared to have a huge tear... a grey tear that even Kask sensed from afar on what Leonard did "What is this? What did he do?"

"It was a wound," said Kask looking at the tear in the sky "Leonard destroyed both forces... he freed us all."

"Now, where is that eye, old man?" Edward asked Kask.

"We don't have to know," Kask answered while he was about to go take a walk to the nearest building of the place "when I die, no one will ever find it anyway."

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