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Greetings my dearest readers ^^

First off, yes, that is my own art up there at the top of this chapter. Neat right? Just kidding, you don't have to agree with me- I'm still learning--

I'm just making this chapter just so everyone knows what this is for.

To be quick, as a writer, not everything I think of can be made into a full book. Sometimes, not even a one-shot.
And sometimes sometimes (x2 on purpose, yes) I can't even get past the idea stage.

Therefore, within this book, you might find a line or two of what the idea was up to a chapter or two of a story that was in the early stages of development.

Anyways, if enough people are interested, well, you'll be able to see and read all this lol

Any idea or whatever that I leave within this book is open to be taken. Don't be afraid if you like an idea and think you can do something with it, you can go right ahead ^^

((Credit would be nice but it's not really required))

The only thing I ask is that you please tell me about it because I would absolutely love to see what you guys can do.

Other then that,
Have fun!

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