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MY LOVE Can be for anything and anybody but recently its been for one person and one person only, and that person is Autumn, she is my forever love, the person i trust the most throughout my lifetime and i would do anything for her.

"Wilbur look there" she said pointing to a bunch of stars shaped into a heart "it's a heart" she spoke lying down on my legs, i lied down as well "what should we name it?" i asked playing with her hair "The Lover Star" she spoke smiling with her adorable smile "fit's perfectly darling" i spoke before we heard yelling "shit that's quackity's voice" she said as we both stood up and started running "wil i'm getting tired" she said yawning.

i picked her up and put her on my back, soon we made it to the big innit hotel "tommy?" i asked walking in, at the front was tommy on the computer "oh hi wilbur, need a room?" tommy asked "yeah... can i have it for fr-" tommy cut me off "for free i know i know i know" tommy handed me a shiny red key with the number '21' engraved into it "thanks tom" i said before stepping into the elevator, the elevator went up and soon it stopped, the doors opened and i followed a path until i found the door 'room 21' just like he said.

i stepped inside and placed her down on the bed, i tucked her in and then made a spot on the couch, there i fell asleep quite quick but was awoken to pounding on the door which woke me and autumn up, we walked over and there stood tommy, terrified "QUACKITY IS COMING TO THE HOTEL TO CHECK FOR YOU GUYS!" he yelled, autumn's face lit up with fear "we have to go" she grabbed my hand and we ran towards the fire exit "we are going to techno's house see you sometime soon tommy" i said waving goodbye "bye will and autumn" he said before the door shut revealing a horrifying sight



Autumn Affairs ; Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now