Chapter 1- Undying Fidelity

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault. The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jumps out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. We have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft."


The ship is hit by multiple blasts. The Ark is destroyed. The Mad Titan Thanos has completely taken over the vessel and massacred everyone that was onboard. Only a few remaining heroes are still alive but they are badly injured. "Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos." The voice of Ebony Maw is heard as he walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians.

I was on the ground. My head throbbed with pain. The fresh scent of blood hits my nose as the warm liquid runs down the side of my forehead. I was too weak to get up. I used all of my energy from my powers to fight Thanos and his alien army. I couldn't stop him. We all did our best to fight them off, but we were easily outnumbered. Loki was the only one still standing. He looks at me, concern on his face.

"I know what it's like to lose

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"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right...yet to fail, nonetheless." Thanos says. He walks over to Thor and picks him up by his armor. A groan escapes his lips as I try to get up but the pain from my lower abdomen prevents me to do so. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I am."

Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already has the Power Stone. "You talk too much." Thor choked as blood spilled out of his mouth.

"The Tesseract. Or your brother's head." Thanos says to Loki. "I assume you have a preference."

"Oh, I do. Kill away." Loki says. I looked at Loki with wide eyes.

"No!" I shouted before whipping my head around to see Thanos pressing the Infinity Stone to Thor's head, making him yell out in pain. I raise my hand and tried to shoot an energy blast, but one of the aliens grabs me and holds their knife against my throat. I tried to free myself from his grasp, but his grip was too strong.

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