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Your POV:
We have been sent to stop the largest containment breach in history of our organization. Many SCPs, including SCP-035, SCP-239, SCP-682 or even instances of SCP-939 left their cells and unleashed hell on our personnel. Thankfully, many of them managed to hide in shelters, which later got permanently closed like exit gates. Scranton's reality anchors around them and in the walls were enough to prevent SCP-239 from doing whatever she wanted to, but all of us knew it wouldn't end the containment breach.

- A great number of our personnel are already dead. - One of our cadets spoke while looking at dead bodies.

- I agree. Even for this place, this is too much for one day.

- And to make it worse, they have captured O5-9, whom we have to save...

- So that's the reason why we were sent and not a different squad!

- Exactly. Now stay quiet, I am opening Gate A.

Having manually opened the gate, we rushed inside and closed it immediately after the last soldier passed through. There was no going back from this point on, and we would secure this containment breach no matter the cost. With Scranton's reality anchors in our weapons, we would be able to pierce through 239's body and terminate her once and for all. SCP-106 was another target, and we were sure he would pay for everything he did to our personnel.

While we were searching for our targets, we accidentally found out, that their entire group was waiting for us, and they were more than ready to take us down. All of us saw 096's face, 173 was waiting for us to stop looking at him, 682 charged at us with his full speed, 106 began laughing as he emerged from the wall behind us, but we weren't going to give up. We were the most elite task force in the entire Foundation, armed with weapons able to hurt anyone, and a will to fight until the last drop of blood was shed.

035 was holding O5-9 in the back, but he was out of our reach for now. When everyone was about to charge at us, we saw SCP-239 preparing a massive beam of annihilation. A "Micro Reality Discharger", a modified version of "Micro HID" was in my hands just for a situation like that. While my squad was fighting for their lives, I began charging it and released it at 239's beam, causing it to meet with mine and begin glitching reality around us. At this moment, the entire time around us stopped, and while everyone was aware of what was happening, nobody except me and her could move a single muscle.It continued for another minute, when the point where our beams exploded spontaneously, breaking the zone of stopped time and sending all of us back. Nobody got hurt, but suddenly we began slowly falling into the floor, as reality around us began collapsing and glitching.

- What have you done?! - I screamed at SCP-239 completely terrified. - Now we are all going to die!

- It is not my fault, your beam probably messed something up with the time-space continuum! - She responded with anger.

- Mine did that?! You were the one who began all of this!

- Guys? - SCP-106 spoke with fear. - I cannot go to my pocket dimension, and we are falling deeper and deeper with each second!

- And I cannot change it back anymore, my reality bending powers are not working! - 239 said with a pale face.

- Congratulations, you completely fucked up the reality... - My commander said before disappearing into the floor, which began devouring all of us one by one.

I tried to save myself, crawl out of this situation but nothing seemed to work. My entire squad was terrified, SCPs didn't know what was happening as we slowly began falling into an unknown abyss.A few seconds later it was already too late to change anything, and I began falling down into the darkness with my entire equipment, which turned out to be completely useless in this situation. With a feeling that it was over, and there being no chance of getting out of this situation anymore, I gave up, but suddenly, I fell on something wet and stinky. Having looked around, I saw yellow walls of an to me unknown maze, while a constant buzzing appeared in my ears. I was not dead, but if I was alive... Then what was this place...?

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