Chapter 20 (Part 3)

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Back inside the chapel

Zhao Hao: Orbital weapon?

Yevgeny: Correct

Zero: I shall show you this

Zero came and pressed a button on a handle and then in the center of the chapel there was a television screen showing a device orbiting above Earth.

Kanon: whoa

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Kanon: whoa...

Gino: what is that?

Nina: it's like a satellite...

Zero: Svetovit Satellite Orbital Weapon, the first orbital weapon made by the Soviet Union and the Black Knights. You will see it's might

Zero shows a city which is a Ulaanbaatar City located in Mongolia, but the city seems uninhabited

Zhao Hao: Why is the city so quiet?

Zero: Because I gave a false warning of a big earthquake, so the whole city was evacuated and the refugees were far from there, because the explosion radius of this orbital weapon was around 500 meters. You see. There are seven Svetovit satellites orbiting Earth. Each satellite contains 10 hollow platinum tubes filled with a tungsten rod.

Meanwhile in Underground of Kremlin, Project Svetovit Control Room

Russian Officer 1#: Спутник Световит 1-А приближается к Улан-Батору. (Svetovit satellite 1-A approaching Ulaanbaatar.)

Russian Officer 2#: Артиллерия живая и заряженная. Ожидание авторизации сброса. (Ordnance live and loaded. Awaiting drop authorisation.)

Back inside the chapel

Zero: Now, to direct a rod to its target, we don't launch it or fire it.

Gino: How do you get these "tungsten rod" to hit its target if it's not launched or fired?

Yevgeny: We drop it! Gravity does the rest!

Kanon: Drop it?

Nina: From above Earth's orbit? That's insanely ridiculous! It's impossible to hit the target if you drop it!

Yevgeny: You see with your own eye. This satellite has already in above that city in earth's orbit. Comrade president, of you may?

President Vladimir Putin, who had been just sitting in the corner of the chair, got up and approached Yevgeny and picked up the radio

Putin: Let see what if I can do *answer the operators* Это товарищ президент, разрешение получено. (This is comrade President, permission granted)

Back to Underground of Kremlin, Project Svetovit Control Room

Russian Officer 1#: Satellite 1-A. We have remote launch authorisation.

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