Chapter Four

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When Maddie finally left the room that she took over when her and John B became close, she had a pair of ripped denim shorts on and a light blue t-shirt that she cropped with a pair of scissors. Underneath she matched the blue top with a light blue bikini, wearing her white vans, which were worn into a off-white color.

"Hey, look who decided to finally get dressed!" John B smiles as she walks out. John B sees JJ out of the corner of his eye looking at Maddie up and down, not once making eye contact.

Apparently, Maddie saw it too. "Eyes up here, hun." She smirks, making JJ's face turn a bright pink. JJ wasn't usually easy to make blush. Maddie could do it rarely, only when she caught him off guard. "If you think staring is going to make my clothes disappear, you're wrong."

"My eyes might not be able to make your clothes disappear but my hands sure can." He replies slyly, making Maddie laugh, but before she can respond, John B is very quick to reply.

"Please do not finish this conversation." He sighs, making Maddie sigh and walk out the front door without saying another word.

She walks down the dock with the summer breeze flowing through her hair as she places a pair of sunglasses on her eyes. She sits on the bow with her legs dangling over the edge.

John B and JJ follow her onto the boat, John B at the wheel and JJ standing next to him.

John B turns the key and the motor rumbles to a start. "Off we go."

It's a short ride through the marsh before they get to the more popular part of their island. There was debris everywhere you looked both in the water and on land.

"I sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink." JJ says, looking around at the surrounding area. "He doesn't have insurance."

Maddie shakes her head. "Of course he doesn't."

"Hi, Miss Amy!" John B waves, making JJ and Maddie's head turn to who he was talking to. "You guys get through it?"

"Still here." She replies kindly before returning to picking up the trash on the docks.

"She totally looked at me." JJ says confidently making Maddie roll her eyes.

"I saw it." John B agrees. "Did you see it, Mads?"

"Sure." She replies dully. "But, can we get a good look at this place. It's destroyed."

JJ whistles, "Agatha, what did you do?"

"She is a crazy lady." John B smirks. "Almost as crazy as Maddie."

"Yeah, but, Maddie is crazy hot, not just crazy." JJ smirks, making Maddie's head snap around.

"The temperature got up to 85 degrees last night, JJ." She says sarcastically. "Seems to me like Agatha is a pretty hot chick."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know."

"We're gonna be cleaning this all summer." JJ says, changing the topic as quick as he could. He makes eye contact with Maddie, and when he does, she lowers her glasses and winks at him with a smile on her face before she turns around back towards the front of the boat.

"That is my nightmare."

"Hey! Look who it is!" Maddie cheers, pointing at Pope, who was spraying his dad's dock down with a hose. She stands up and makes her way to the side of the boat and JJ moves next to her.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." John B says with a static voice

"I can't." Pope replies sadly, "My Pop's got me on lockdown."

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