Chapter Ten

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Maddie and JJ slept like rocks but were awoken as soon as the sun rose. The ocean had began to climb back to where they were laying. They talked for a few minutes before they decided to meet up with the rest of the Pogues back at the chateau.

Kiara was playing the bongos, JJ was throwing rocks with his frustrations building up again. Pope was sitting in a chair and Maddie and John B were behind a counter.

John B was first to move. "I'm calling it off. Alright?" He starts, making JJ immediately roll his eyes. "Peterkin said if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

"And you believed her?" JJ asks with a tone of disbelief and annoyance mixed in with his voice.

"Yes I believe her, JJ." John B snaps back.

"An actual cop, John B." JJ huffs with a shake of his head. "You believed a cop."

"Look all I have to do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days and she'll help me out." John B argues back. It was easy to tell that it wasn't an argument John B wanted to have, but JJ had an undying hatred towards the police system. "It doesn't help that your ass was the one who was shooting a gun."

"You know what I should've done, man?" JJ asks, picking up another handful of rocks and starting to throw them again. "I should've just let Topper drown your ass."

The comment made Maddie step around from behind the counter and stand her ground next to John B once again.

"Yeah, because Topper was gonna drown me?" John B challenges.

"Sure looked like it. I mean, have you looked in the mirror lately?" JJ asks, making his way towards John B and Maddie.

"Keep going, come on. Come on."

Maddie takes a step towards JJ knowing it would make him stop walking. "Oh my god. Will you two quit it. It's done and over with." She says. She agreed with both sides of their argument but she couldn't deal with listening to a fight between the both of them.

"They always win, don't they guys?" JJ stops, leaning on a wooden pillar next to him. "Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" He shouts, punching the buoy that was hanging above him.

"Okay!" Kiara finally steps in trying to calm JJ down.

"No it's not okay." JJ is quick to argue. "They don't want us to go down there. That means there's something valuable down there and you both know it. I know you do." He looks down at Pope who was sitting in front of him. "And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy, you got way to much to risk. And you, I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway, why would you bother? But you, me and Maddie, man." He takes a breath. "We've got nothing to lose. We really don't. Alright? And I know it didn't used to be that way for you."

"I don't wanna talk about this." John B mumbles, trying to walk passed JJ. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"JJ, stop the conversation is over. Just let it go." Maddie tells him. He looks down at her and takes a second before he turns back to John B again.

"So that's it?" JJ asks in disappointment.

"Just get out of my way, bro." John B storms off, shoving JJ out of his way.

"John B listen to me, I have a plan." JJ stops him before walking up to him again. "You have the key to Cameron's big boat, right?"

"No, JJ." John B groans. He crosses his arms ovwe his chest and stares out into the distance preparing for whatever crazy idea might have.

"There's scuba gear inside, man." JJ starts. The entire group rolls their eyes but continues listening. "We just borrow that. And then we go down to the wreck this afternoon. And that is what's gonna save you man. You don't see rich kids going to foster care, do you?"

John B shakes his head and turns to look at him. "I really hate that you have bad ideas that might work out."

"See, bro?" JJ grins, before he looks at the rest of the group behind him. "Trust me guys, John B just has to pull this off and everything will work out."

"I need some weed, man." Kiara mumbles.

Maddie's head snaps in her direction. "Me too, girl. Me too." She agrees. "JJ?"

"Master roller is ready to roll." He smirks, making his way into the spare bedroom and pulling out a make-shift kit from below the bed. "How many?"

"I honestly think each of us could burn through one." Kiara chuckles.

"Okay, we have to stay somewhat sober. Roll two, Mr. Master Roller." Maddie smiles at him with a wink before she flops on the couch with Kiara.

JJ disappears for a while as he makes his way to rolling two blunts for the three teens to share.

"Why us of all people?" Kiara asks, breaking the silence between her and her best friend. Her brows were furrowed and her fingers were braiding her long, curly, black hair.

"Why not us?" Maddie smiles, looking over at the brown skinned girl. "I mean, we're the ones who've been struggling our whole lives. We're the ones that everyone hates. So why not. Let's give them another reason to hate us."

"We could give every human being the one thing they wanted most, and they'd still hate us, Kie." JJ says as he re-enters. He tosses each girl a lighter and sits on the coffee table in front of the two girls. "So if we can't please everyone else. We might as well please ourselves, right?"

He gives each girl a blunt and they place them between their teeth, lighting them beneath their hands. "I guess so." Kiara smiles, giving JJ her blunt letting him take a hit and watching him blow the smoke around the room.

"Good things come to those who wait, Kie." Maddie agrees, taking another hit.

Kiara shrugs her shoulders and takes Maddie's blunt from between her fingers. "We don't actually know if this is good yet or not. And we've been waiting long enough."

"It's better than us having nothing. At least our names with be around the OBX. Words can work their magic." JJ nods.

"Well for right now, I'm gonna let this weed work it's magic." Maddie sighs, taking JJ's blunt and taking a hit that further filled the room with a planted haze.

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