Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Maddie took about as deep of a breath as she could before she knocked. The second her knuckles collided with the door, her lungs became tight and her legs felt weak. Logan opened the door with a smile and a beer in his hand, she could hear his friends in the background which was probably the reason he was drinking. "I need to talk to you."

"I'm busy." Logan responds. She could tell he wasn't very drunk. She must have just walked in on the beginning of their party.

When he tries to shut the door, she stops it with her hand and walks inside, shouldering him as she passes by. "You told me I had to be back. Here I am. Now it's my turn, it's just a simple question."

"Okay, awesome. You're back, and now you can leave." Logan answers with an impatient tone.

"You know Luke Maybank, right?" She asks him, leaning against the wall to hide from his friends.

Logan sighs and nods. "Why do you want to know?"

"I need a favor."


"Logan, just shut up and listen. Please." She asks him. He huffs and looks back at his friends who barely even noticed he was missing. "I need you to go there for me. I need you to get him to get JJ out of jail, please."

"Oh, this is about JJ again." Logan chuckles. "I'm not gonna help that son of a bitch out."

Maddie shrugs her shoulders and tries her best to stay as calm as she can. "What do you have against him? Whenever something's wrong you automatically assume that it's him."

"Because it usually is him, Madeline." Logan tells her. She was watching his every move, practically waiting for him to swing at her.

"I just need you to get Luke to bail JJ out. It's nothing complicated." Maddie explains. "For all the shit you put me through, you could at least help me out a little bit."

"Shut up." He tells her. Whatever she said got under his skin. Very quickly. "I just try to teach you life lessons. I'm trying to help you because mom and dad are dead."

"Right and you think beating the shit out of me is helping me?" Maddie asks. Logan didn't like the question because he covered her mouth and pinned her against the wall as if she wasn't already leaning on it. He looks back at his friends and seems relieved to see they didn't hear what she said. But, she pries his hand from her face and shoves it away. "Even if mom and dad were here, I would still have to do everything on my own. If you're looking for sympathy, you're not going to get it."

Logan looked at her for just a second to see if she was being honest, and she was. So he grabbed her her wrist and dragged her back to her old room. She tried to fight at his grip on her, but he wasn't letting go. His friends eyes just followed them as they passed by, but lost their sight when Logan slammed the door closed. "Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? You want me to be the bad guy?"

"You're fucking crazy, Logan." Maddie shouts, rubbing her wrist as her lungs felt as if they were about to collapse. "I ask for a small thing and you're making a big deal out of it. And still, you don't see why I don't come around anymore."

"Oh, I'm crazy?" He asks. She just nods. If he was going to start an argument, Maddie wasn't going to lose. "You're the one who keeps coming back."

"I only come back because you threaten me. Don't you get it?" She asks. His fists were clenched at his sides and she could tell he was holding back. If he didn't have guests, he would scream. Logan knew what he was doing. Let Maddie do the yelling so she was the one who sounded crazy. "Logan, if it were up to me I would never come back. You mean absolutely nothing to me and I would be so much happier if you would just let me live my life."

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