S1 Eps 16: Headmaster

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"Dude, god I feel like a totally noob!" Said a man around his early twenties, with purple hair, fair skin and red sanpakugan eyes wearing a magenta, purple, and grey turtleneck sweater underneath his lab coat as he start shaking hands with Prof. Sumdac rapidly, before the old robotics scientist free himself from the young man's grip. "I mean, you're Isaac Sumdac. You're the old guy that started the whole robot revolution thing. I grew up tinkering with your bots. And now I work for you! It's too wild, huh!? You're also the father of the two members of the DCP band?! Now that was crazy! I'm like their biggest fan, you know. Do you think I could get an autograph from them?" He said to Prof. Sumdac.

"Well, thank you. And yes, the two of them are actually my daughters, Lucy and Sari. But, that's going to be a tricky one since my oldest daughter; Lucy don't like strangers that she didn't know for too long. But back to matter in hand. I must say, I have been hearing great things from project managers about this wiz kid, Henry Masterson." Prof. Sumdac explained to the young man named Henry Masterson. "You have a new development and research idea?"

"Oh, yeah! It totally kicks!" Masterson said excitingly before he run over to a cloak covered object. And when he pulls the cloak down, it revealed a giant magenta robot head with gray lavender face plates, yellow optics, purple circuits around it's cranium, and horns on each side of it's head. "I call it the Headmaster Unit." Masterson proclaimed proudly.

Then, a robot suddenly came behind the pair, with the older scientist gasped in shock."Now, say your in battle and your war bot is running out of ammo..." Masterson said before he pulls out a helmet resembling the robot's head and went inside the robot head, as he demonstrate how his project works and flew the Headmaster unit towards the robot test subject.

"War bot?! Did you just say war bot?!" Prof. Sumdac asked in shock and disbelief, clearly not pleased by this. The Headmaster used a small laser beam cutter to cut off the robot's head and replaced it with the unit itself. Taking control of the robot in process. "You can use the Headmaster unit to grab a new war bot." Masterson continued.

"You said that again!" Prof. Sumdac said while he dodged the robot's fallen head.

"Wait, this part totally rocks!"Seconds later, Masterson activated the robot's rocket missile weapon as the missile start to hummed in activation.

"Ownage! Total ownage! The enemy got slagged by their own rockets!" Masterson explained with a crazed looks.

"Mr. Masterson! I have told my staff time and again! We do not make military robots or headmaster units that take over other military robots, for military thing!" Prof. Sumdac explained, yelling even.

"I know, but it's so cool." Masterson said. Suddenly, the robot's legs start shaking due to the weigh of the headmaster unit before collapsing to the ground, launching the rocket to Detroit.

"Sweet!" Masterson yelled out.

"There's nothing sweet about it! That rocket is heading for the city!" Prof. Sumdac said with a scowl. "Oh, by the way, you're fired!"

Somewhere in Detroit, a reporter bot was interviewing Bulkhead and Seelia." Tell me, Bulkhead. As the most imposing and potentially destructive of the Autobots,do you ever fear for the untold damages afflicted on unsuspecting cities?" The reporter bot said.

"W-wait, I thought we were going to talk about why people shouldn't be afraid of me. That I was as gentle as a.... Really gentle thing." Bulkhead said. "Yeah, Bulkhead's a really sweet guy if you get to know him better." Seelia said defending her boyfriend. Then, Bulkhead grabbed the reporter bot's microphone arm but he accidentally pulled it's arm off. Seelia can only watch in awkwardness,with her optics replaced by two small white dots.

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