Chapter 43

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When dawn broke the next morning, it found the inner circle gathered in the wartent - a large canvas space at the heart of camp that housed the precious few maps and artefacts the priestesses had managed to smuggle out of Velaris. The last week had been about survival - rounding up what numbers they had left, healing wounds, and building some semblance of a settlement. Now, with the volunteer guards and youth training night and day, an atmosphere of anticipation had begun to build, as though abject misery was giving way to something more durable, more purposeful.

The Night Court was preparing to strike back.

Fiona joined them after her shift in the kitchens, quietly worrying about their stocks, and the daily challenge of feeding thousands of refugees. But her attention was quickly stolen by the great oak table in the centre of the tent, where was spread a large map of the Night Court, with all its temples, towns and most sensitive locations. That small, nagging part of her that thought herself a villain was surprised the others let her see it. Considering her father and grandfather were somewhere in that sprawling expanse of mountains and forests, pillaging and burning whatever they could find, she'd half-expected them to snatch it out of view the moment she walked in.

But the others were too focused to care about Eris' daughter. They were gathered around the table, looking tired - as usual - but determined too, as though they were staring at that little star labelled Velaris, and picturing the atrocities raging there even now. Cassian was sat on one side, a fresh wrap of bandages around his chest. As others arrived he would make an attempt to rise from his chair, only for Nesta, hovering beside him, to grab and shove him back down.

Gabriel gave her a weak smile as he entered. After him came Bella, but before Fiona could greet her, she noticed Diana in the corner, nursing her baby daughter and staring blankly at the ground. With Nyx still missing, none of them could understand or imagine what Azriel's daughter was going through, though it would be a lie to say that anyone had been trying. 

Diana mostly kept to herself. She had always seemed easily spooked, but since Velaris she'd barely spoken to anyone - she never offered to help the guards or nurses, and quickly found an excuse whenever they tried to pull her in for a project or chat. After a while, they'd just let her be, leaving her to drift through camp like a spirit, a lost soul with her wailing child. 

Her father was the last to appear. The only sign that Azriel had returned from a mission was the stiffness in his movements as he assumed a place at one end of the table. From his shadow emerged Xander, striding to the head, with his new favourite look of casual apathy. 

"Azriel has returned from Velaris," he announced, commencing the meeting. The circle drew closer with matching expressions of apprehension. "He reports that Keir still has a hold of the city, but his numbers are weaker than we thought."

The spymaster nodded. "Most likely he's moving into the country to take hold of farms and foodstores...perhaps some of the Western settlements."

A rumble of concern ran through those gathered. If Keir was truly making a bid for the Night Court, it seemed inevitable that he would eventually expand his invasion. But the fall of Velaris had been incomprehensible - it had seemed the worst that could possibly happen at the time. Now, they could only shudder to imagine what might havoc Keir might wreak if his influence spread further. 

"I say we round up some support to send to Altan." Xander's steady gaze was trained on the Western section of the map. "They're the most vulnerable if Keir is moving inland."

"Agreed," grunted Azriel, as Bella nodded.

Cassian shifted in his seat. "We hardly have enough men to guard the camp. How are we going to round up a defensive unit for Altan?"

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