one | playboizilla

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jordan is an artist
and see's a beautiful boy
who he decides to paint.

jordan sniffled as he sipped his coffee; he'd had a particularly bad day and decided to visit his favorite cafe, where he'd usually just sit in a booth for a couple of hours and paint the countryside. it was his favorite place to escape the world; aside from jordan, the owners, and a brown boy with green locs, there weren't many people in the cafe.

'a new face' jordan thought, he drew his brows together as he stared at the man; he'd never seen him before, but he was stunning, his face blemish-free despite the few tattoos he sported, and the green locs just tied everything together. jordan bit his lower lip and prepared a spot on the table for his canvas paper, as well as his paints, and began working on his painting of the enigmatic man.

the redhead had been trying to get into a more realistic art form and this was the perfect opportunity for him to practice, he'd also been telling himself that there was no need to rush considering that perfection took time and effort, he couldn't just slap some paint on a canvas and call it art; although some did, that just wasn't jordan's style.

jordan was finished after a good two hours, and he was surprised that the mystery man was still in the cafe, but he wasn't complaining, so he tidied up his materials before standing up and walking over to the man, ready to hand over his portrait. jordan stood awkwardly next to the man who was sitting and tapped him on the shoulder. as soon as he turned to look at jordan, jordan began to maunder.

"um sir, i hope this isn't weird but um, you looked very pretty from where i was sitting and i thought it would be nice to paint you so.. i hope you like it." jordan spoke softly as he gave the portrait to the brownskin man, the man just chuckled at jordan's cuteness and eyed the well painted portrait, the man thought it was sweet of this stranger to paint him just because he looked good "thank you, sweetie."

jordan's eyes widened, and he felt blood rush to his cheeks. "i'm junius, by the way, and no need to call me sir; i'm almost certain we're about the same age." junius chuckled once more as he drew out the seat next to him and patted it, indicating that he wanted jordan to take a seat, which he dutifully did.

"i'm jordan, and i'm sorry."

hi !
i don't have much to say tbh
but i'd appreciate constructive criticism
because i feel like my
writing could definitely be better.

& i know it was short
but i hope you guys liked it 🙊💕.

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