Warmest Welcome - Tom

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You exited the tube station just as the heavens opened and you were soaked to the skin within moments. Sighing to yourself you quickened your pace, your week just getting worse by the minute, thank god it was Thursday and you were off tomorrow.

All you wanted to do now was get home and crawl into bed even if it was only 7:30pm. You moved in to your new home last Friday alone and due to the amount of stuff being delivered the movers had advised they would do it over a couple of days. This left you with two of some items, like kitchen utensils and none of a lot of others, like underwear or a kettle!

You were exhausted having spent the last few weeks trying to juggle work along side packing up both yours and Tom's places. Tom had asked you to move in with him but wanted to buy a bigger house for you both. Unfortunately, your move in date clashed with Tom being away filming for his latest movie. It had been 6 weeks since you were last together and he wasn't due home for another couple of weeks. He text everyday and tried to call you when he could around his schedule but it wasn't enough. You were stressed beyond belief and to top it all off, you were missing him desperately.

You finally made it home and made a beeline straight for the family bathroom, avoiding your ensuite as it had no bath. Turning on the water, you added your bubble bath and lit a few candles. Stripping out of your clothes, leaving them in a soggy pile on the tiled floor, you slipped into the hot water.

When the water had cooled it was getting on for 9pm, you exited the bath and realised you had forgotten to stock the bathroom with towels. Making your way to your bedroom, you stop in the doorway when you see you boyfriend passed out on top of the bed still in his suit. He must have come home to surprise you and jetlag got the best of him. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it round yourself and made your way over to him.

"Thomas" you gently whispered, not wanting to startle him. You got no response.

"Tom, my love" you said again as you gently stroked his cheek.

"Hhmmm...." he hummed.

"Sweetheart, we need to get you out of this suit" you cooed, his lips curled at the sound of your voice.

"If you want to see me naked, you only have to ask" he sleepily teased.

"You know I love nothing more than to see you naked Mr Hiddleston but I want you to be comfortable and we both need sleep" you commented before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Come on my love, lets get you ready for bed"

Getting up from the bed with a groan he sleepily let you strip him down, throwing his clothes over a stack of boxes off to the side that you still needed to unpack. Pulling back the covers you dropped your towel and got into bed, he crawled in beside you wrapping his arms around your waist and drew you close with your back to his chest.

"God, I've missed you" he rasped, placing kisses along your neck.

"I've missed you too" you confessed "Sleep sweetheart, we have plenty of time tomorrow to catch up and get reacquainted"

Acknowledging you with a gentle hum you soon heard his breathing even out confirming he had fallen back to sleep. Despite being tired you lay there for a while just taking pleasure from being back in his warm embrace, soon after you drifted into a dreamless sleep yourself.


You woke to the sunlight streaming through the window and to find Tom wrapped around you, his legs twisted through yours. The man was all arms and legs! You'd bought a bigger bed so you would both have space but you always woke up in a tangle of limbs when you shared a bed. It's like he couldn't get close enough to you.

Tom Hiddleston / Loki One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now