Mini Mischief - Tom

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Tom was back today! He had been away filming for the last 2 months and your work schedule and his filming schedule clashed so you haven't been able to visit him. He is due to land at Gatwick airport around lunchtime before heading to a few interviews to round off his day. You will be joining him for a private dinner at 34 Mayfair.

You had been with Tom for 2 years and you got engaged about a month before he left for his current acting job. You had remained living in London for the time being as he is was often travelling for work but you had both agreed you would move in and travel with him for his job together once you got married. You kept your relationship out the press as much as you could and there were only a few photos that the paparazzi had managed to snag of you both. They had just assumed your were friends and neither of you corrected them. No-one really knew you were together aside from a few of his fellow actors you'd met on various sets acting or close family and friends of you both and you preferred things that way.

You had some exciting news to share with Tom tonight. You found out shortly after he left that you were pregnant and you had been keeping it a secret till his return as you didn't want to tell him over the phone. You wanted to see his reaction to the news and you didn't want him distracted during filming. It had been so hard not to blurt it out as you hated keeping secrets from him. You were starting to show so you wouldn't be able to hide it for long from him. You had it all planned, if you could get through dinner without him finding out you had a gift at home to present to him. Inside was a babygrow that said 'Mini Mischief' and a sonogram of the baby. Totally cheesy but you couldn't help yourself.

Working from home gave you plenty of time to get ready as you didn't have to battle the traffic and could use your lunch hour to put your rollers in. Tom loved when you styled your hair in loose curls down your back. He was always running his fingers through your hair when he was near or grabbing handfuls when thing got steamy.

Finally finishing your work you have a couple of hours before you need to leave for dinner. Carefully applying your makeup and removing your rollers you go hunt through your wardrobe to find the perfect outfit. You grab your long black evening dress that had was lowcut at the front and flared out from the waist hiding your bump. It also had a split up to your mid-thigh and you topped it all off with some killer red heels that are the perfect match to the shade of your lipstick.

Picking up your bag you make your way out front to meet your driver, Charles, for the evening so you didn't have to think about finding a parking space. 20 minutes later and you were being whisked through the restaurant to your table. As you drew closer you could see Tom was already there and some girl was sat with him appearing to be very handsy. I couldn't make out who she was at first and then I recognised her as an actress from him current film. Giving the maitre d' a nod to let him know you have it from here you take the final few steps to the table.

"God, no autographs" his co-star hissed before you could say anything.

"Sari" Tom said turning to you with a beaming smile.

"I have no idea who you are" you lied whilst glaring at her "but I would ask that you to remove your claws from my fiancé".

She laughed and gestured between you and Tom, eyebrow raised. She looked back at him as if waiting for him to call you out on a lie. He rose from his seat to greet you and kiss your cheek.

"Carly, I would like to introduce you to my fiancée, Sarah Quinn" he confirmed before adding to you "Love, you don't mind if Carly joins us do you?". He clearly wasn't picking up on the fact you were less than impressed with what you walked in on.

"Doesn't look like I have much of an choice here, darling" you seethed. The smile on your face was anything but genuine.

Dinner from that point on was a very awkward affair with quite few little comments being made about your appearance or job from Carly whilst Tom seemed oblivious. You kept silent mostly, only answering questions directly put to you but in the briefest of ways. Tom was appearing to be fully engrossed in his conversation with Carly that you eventually you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and collect yourself. You weren't a violent person but Carly was pushing all your buttons. Maybe it was your hormones.

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