Goddess Of Mine - Lady Loki

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You had worked for S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers for a few years now. That's how you met the God of Mischief. He was prickly and irritating on first impressions. You were a liaison and PA for the Avengers so handled mission data and reports, the PR and ensuring that the day to day needs are met for each of your new team members. Eventually Loki came round to civility because you refused to put up with his shit if he wanted your help with his requests.

As time went on he started to spend more and more time in your company. You had no idea why as he didn't speak to you much, just sat in the corner of your office and read. Things changed when Loki found you sat at your desk in tears one day. You had got into a fight the night before with your boyfriend and things turned physical. You were sporting several bruises and a broken heart. After that Loki became very protective of you.

You decided not to live in the Avengers Tower when you got the job and kept your own residence. This gave you some much needed personal space as sometimes it could be a little overwhelming working with the team. However, when your now ex kept harassing you and turning up at your apartment Loki helped you move.

Over time you grew very close and you started dating Loki a couple of months ago. Everything had been perfect, or so you thought. The last couple of days though he had been...off. That's the only way you could describe it. You decided you were going to talk to him about it tonight when he came over.

Finishing your prep for dinner, making cannelloni as Loki was fond of Italian food, you hopped in the shower to freshen up. You carefully picked out your outfit choosing a new emerald green underwear set with ribbon ties and a simple black wrap dress with a lowcut cleavage. You spritzed on your favourite perfume and made your way to the kitchen to open the wine. Pouring yourself a glass you eagerly awaited Loki.

At 7pm on the dot you heard the buzzer letting you know that Loki had arrived. Letting him in your eyes drank in his handsome appearance as your hands reached out to draw him in for a sweet kiss. Too quickly he pulled away causing you to frown at his behaviour.

Dinner was a quiet affair and you were starting to worry that Loki was no longer interested and that he was going to break up with you. Pouring the last of the wine from the open bottle you moved through to the lounge. Sitting down on the sofa Loki remained standing, looking over the books on your shelf.

"Is everything ok, Lokes?" you enquired, your voice wavering slightly from nerves.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" his words were clipped.

"You just don't seem yourself" you offered "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Everything is fine" he scoffed.

Not wanting to anger him you remained silent. You knew Loki would never hurt you physically but you still occasionally suffered panic attacks from what your ex did. You didn't want to put yourself in a position to cause one by getting into an argument with Loki.

Eventually the silence became unbearable. You could see Loki's jaw clench and his muscles tensed under his perfectly tailored suit. This caused you to curl up on the sofa so you could try to make yourself appear smaller and non-threatening. Seeing this Loki sighed, he never wanted to frighten you.

"Actually..." he finally said "There is something I need to talk to you about"

"A-are you breaking up with me?" you stutter, your heart squeezing painfully.

"What? No!" he exclaims "But you may view me differently after I tell you"

"Is this about you being a frost giant or Jötunn or whatever it's called? I already know about that and I don't care Lokes. I know you don't like to show that side of yourself and I would never ask you to" you reassured him.

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