Unexpected Guest - Loki

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After your mum died you seemed to lose your way. Isolating from everyone and detaching from the world. Pepper was like an aunt to you. Your mum and her had been friends since school and stayed in touch even after your mum had moved to England when she met your dad.  England was all you knew. You were born and raised there. Your dad had left when you were just a baby.

Pepper hated you being so far away and on your own so she offered you the job to 'babysit' the team (or mainly Tony if we are being honest) and moved you to New York.

It had been a whirlwind of a year working as the Personal Avengers Assistant and it has taken over your life but you got on well with all the team and they respected you because you didn't put up with their shit! You stood your ground when they made stupid requests and accommodate the rest.

It's midnight and you are sat in your room at the new Avengers compound in London reviewing emails from the team. You had recently moved back to England temporarily on your own to set up the new facility. Tony's vision was to have secure bases all over the world for the Avengers. You needed to get everything organised as you were due back in New York in a week and then you were taking a well deserved vacation!

Thanks to Pepper you had a 2 week holiday booked at a private oceanside villa on the island of Oahu and you planned to lounge around reading, swimming and drinking cocktails on your own for the entire time!

An hour later and were just finishing up your final tasks when your phone started to ring. Groaning you looked and saw it was Thor calling. Considering the time difference you debated ignoring it but your conscious wouldn't allow it. You knew he wouldn't ring if it wasn't important.

"Good evening, your Majesty" you answered trying to hide a yawn.

"Hello, sorry to wake you and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Thor" he said

"Don't worry about it Thor" you laugh "I was awake anyway finishing off the requests from the team. What can I do for you?"

"I hate to put this on you but I've got a... friend... in need of a safe house and you are the closest. He will be arriving in a couple of hours" he paused before adding "but I need to keep this quiet from Tony"

"Ugh... I'm not sure about this Thor, he's my boss and I really don't want to get fired. I love my job, it's given me a purpose" you state.

"I know and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. It's Loki" he says, pleading with you.

You knew all about Loki. You and Thor had become good friends during your time working together and shared many stories. Tony hated Loki after the New York attack and despite each of the Avengers having a little bit (or in some cases a hugely) chequered past, he refused to give him a second chance like he had the others.

"Fine but if he finds out about your unexpected guest this is on you. I will tell him you ordered me" you half groan, half laugh back in response.

"Thank you, Lady Sarah. I'll message you the details and check in with you tomorrow" he says

"Don't forget to consider the time difference and the fact I won't be going to sleep anytime soon thanks to your request" you quip before hanging up.

Shortly after you ended the call your phone pinged letting you know that Loki would be arriving in a couple of hours and his contact number. Thor had finally managed to figure out how to work his phone after many lessons with you. You decided to send off a quick text and then try get a little nap before having to deal with him.

Sarah (You) :
'Call me when you arrive to gain access to the building. Sarah'

Loki :
'Will do, pet.'

Tom Hiddleston / Loki One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now