A Stroll Amongst The Flowers - Tom

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The hotel walls felt like they were closing in, you had been here for what felt like weeks, even though it was only days, dealing with the gallery about your art installation, your art publisher and securing your own new commissions. You needed to escape the suite they had put you up in and get some fresh air. Gathering your A5 sketchbook and pencils you left your room and made your way out the hotel. You were staying about 20 minutes walk from the south entrance to Regents Park in London so you grabbed an iced tea and a couple of pastries from the local coffee shop and headed into the park.

Lying on the grass in the inner circle, head propped on your arm, listening to your random playlist on Spotify you let yourself be lost to your sketching. The scent of flowers on the breeze soothing your senses. Placing your pencil down you rolled over and closed your eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. Before you knew it you had dozed off.

You jolted awake soon after when a weight landed on your stomach. Shooting up you saw a dog had jumped on you and was now trying to get to the sweet treats in your bag.

"Those aren't for you, cutie" you said laughing as you grabbed the dog by his brace and pulled him away from your bag.

You looked around to see if you could spot anyone looking for a lost dog and pulled out your earphones. After a few moments you saw a man in the distance who appeared to be looking around frantically, as he got closer you heard him calling out what you thought was 'Bobby'.

"Is that you, little one? Are you Bobby?" you cooed at the dog, scratching behind his ear.

As if confirming that was his name he let out several loud barks. This alerted the man and he came rushing over to you. As Bobby heard his owner he started jumping around, knocking your drink all over you.

"Shit..." you exclaimed as the drink covered your dress. Thinking fast you quickly threw your sketchbook a couple of feet away so it wouldn't get wet.

"I'm so sorry. He got away from me" the man said glancing down at where your dress was now covered in iced tea and picking up your sketchbook off the ground to save it from Bobby's bouncing paws.

"It's fine, no harm done, it'll wash" you replied, squinting against the sun as you looked up and the silhouette towering over you.

The man crouched down, your sketchbook under his arm as he secured Bobby on a lead. When he looked back up you gasped in realisation of who he was. It was Tom Hiddleston!

"Ehehehe... I'm Tom but I am guessing you already figured that out" he chuckled

"Erm... I... Y-yeah" you blushed "I'm Sari, well Sarah, but no one calls me that"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sari. Would you care to join me for a drink and let me replace the one that Bobby spilt?"

"Thank you for the kind offer but that's not necessary, it's was only an iced tea, nothing special. I should head back to the hotel and get back to work" you rambled

"Oh, well at least let me give you my number in case you change your mind about that drink" he insisted.

Handing him your phone he entered his number, a sexy smirk playing across his lips  before handing it back. Saying your goodbyes he set off with Bobby. After a few minutes sitting stunned at what had just happened you finally came back to your senses. Deciding to pack your stuff you realised he still had your sketchbook. Now you understood the smirk - You would have to contact him to get it back!

After arriving back at the hotel you grabbed a quick shower to rid yourself of the stick tea that had dried on your skin and changed into an oversized shirt and leggings. Opening your project book you started to look over what work you still had to do but you couldn't concentrate. You grabbed your phone and quickly wrote out a text to Tom.

Tom Hiddleston / Loki One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now