You Really Are Perfect - Tom

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How had it all gone so wrong? You had recently moved in with your boyfriend of 2 years, James, and rented out your apartment only for you to come home early from a meeting to find him in bed with someone else. 

You had packed up your limited belongings on autopilot, ignoring James' pleas to let him explain, and hightailed it out of there in a taxi. Thank god most of your stuff was still in storage so you never had to go back.  

You sat on the sofa in the dark at your best friends house, head in your hands and let the tears flow. How had you been so blind? You felt so stupid. Your relationship with James was not one you would have categorised as passionate and all consuming, he was not a tactile guy or so you thought. You met through your work and things progressed from there without any real plans for the future. It was almost as if you fell into a relationship with your eyes shut due to a single common interest only, no real love or desire. You don't know how long you sat there crying before you finally fell asleep from exhaustion. 

You woke with a start to a loud bang followed by a stream of curse words. Jumping up you run to the hallway to see Tom sprawled across the floor having tripped over your bags that you had abandoned on arrival. 

"Oh god, Tom" you began before rushing to help him off the floor. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you were away filming and I wouldn't have intruded had a known. I just..." you babbled, fresh tears streaming down your face.

"Shhh...." Tom cooed as he pulled you into a tight hug.

Your ramblings silenced as you burrowed into his familiar and warm embrace. You breathed in his unique scent, his cologne woody and spicy along with something specifically Tom that you couldn't quite describe. 

"Are you ok?" he asked, tilting your face to look at him.

"I am now" you smiled weakly.

"Come on, love, let's get some rest and we can talk in the morning" he said whilst guiding you up the stairs to the spare room. 

You woke in the morning to find all your belongings had been brought up and placed ay the foot of the bed. Grabbing a quick shower, you then threw on your favourite comfy loungewear and made your way downstairs. You found Tom in the kitchen making breakfast and you stood in the doorway just watching and wondering how you got so lucky to have a friend like him. No matter what happened he was always there for you, no questions asked. You know that you would have to give him an explanation but you were embarrassed to do so even though you had done nothing wrong. 

After you were done with breakfast you moved through to the lounge and gave Tom a full rundown of the last 24 hours. He was shocked and angry on your behalf.

"I'm so sorry for just turning up, I just didn't know where to go or what to do. I couldn't stay there" you sobbed.

"Hey" he said " You are always welcome here, no matter what"

"I'll get something organised soon and get out of your hair, I promise. I can't believe I was so stupid to rent out my apartment" you scolded yourself.

"No need, you know I am away a lot with this film and I have a spare room" he offered.

 "It was nice not to come home to an empty house for once, even if I did fall on my face" he added with a laugh.

Crawling across the sofa you curled up in his open arms, resting your head against his chest you were soothed by the sound of his heartbeat. This was your safe space, your happy place.

Over the next few weeks you settled into a routine at Tom's. He had come home due to a break in filming as a key member of the cast had fallen ill and everything ground to a halt. After 2 weeks at home he had to fly back to finish filming and he was more than happy for you to stay in his absence since he would be gone for about a month or 2. You spent your days working on some of your artwork commissions and your evenings in his library nook getting lost between the pages of his books. He text you everyday to check on you and video called when he could - Probably checking you hadn't burnt his house down since you weren't the best cook. 

Tom Hiddleston / Loki One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now