Double Trouble in Cheaters' Ville

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The golden trio (Lee, Christa and Kenny obvs.) walked ahead of the arguing Garcia's and Sinclaire's, trying their best to ignore the four bickering adults. Christa was more ahead of Kenny and Lee, keeping her eyes on all of the foilage around them, making sure that if it moved, she would alert their group. Once she caught sight of movement, she signalled to the others, and they all scattered to find hidding places within the brush around them. Two individuals walked out, Gabriel and a red-headed girl, "Gabe we need to talk about this."

"Talk about what? How you're pregnant and it's my kid, but I'm with someone else? We will, I just need some... time."

"Is that what you tell Clementine before you and I sleep together? You start an agrument and then come running to me, just break up with her already, she makes you miserable."

Before Gabe could answer, Javier moved out of his hidding place, "really Gabe? You go off to find Clem, and you decide to settle down with someone else and cheat on them?"

"You don't have the right to judge me, I'm not the one who fell in love with his brother's wife," Gabe growled just as another voice called out from the way he and his misstress had emerged.

"Gabe! Gabe, come out, I don't know why you've been acting mean but I changed my mind. Please come back to the school with me-"

Javier's eyes narrowed at Gabe, "Mijo, you're cheating on Clem? Why, what does she offer you that Clementine doesn't?"

"Sex," another male voice answered from where the young cheaters emerged, "she offered sex because she's jealous of my best friend. She wants every person who likes Clementine around her finger, I am so glad her and I broke up a month ago, as for you? Do you have any idea how Clementine is going to react to this shit? She loved you, genuine love, and you fucking broke her heart." Whoever the other young man was, moved closer to Gabriel, "I want you to know, that as soon as she's ready someone else will be with her. Someone who truly deserves her, someone who treats her right, and she'll forget all about Dirtbag Gabriel. Who cheated on her, spread rumors about her son, kept starting fights for no reason, and you'll realize that Sophia here has been cheating on you at the same time you're watching Clem get the best life she deserves."

"Gabe, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere," all of the people in the clearing watched as Clementine walked straight to the beanie boy and hugged him tightly. "I was starting to get worried, you ran off really upset over our conversation, which I wanted to tell you I changed my mind about. Louis told me that life is worth living, and what's the point if we can't have a little fun every now and then, and-" she finally noticed Javier and stopped speaking for a moment before pulling out of her hug with her boyfriend. "Javi, I'm so happy you're here, Gabe just asked me-"

"He's been cheating on you Clem," Sophie spoke, "with me. And now I'm pregnant," Clementine exited the embrace with her friend and looked between the two. "I'm sorry, he kept saying how you change your tone behind doors and-"

Clementine moved her eyes from Sophia to Gabe, "Is this true Gabriel?" For a moment, he didn't answer, but then he moved his gaze away from hers. "Well, since you're just so miserable with me, we're done. I don't want to waste any more time on someone who considers being with me a sentance of boring chores, or yells at me whenever they're frustrated with everything else, or decides to run to his misstress who he knocked up whenever everything isn't all puppies and rainbows. God, I can't believe I almost- ew, you're nasty. Like the epitome of disgusting, what was I even thinking? Wow, Louis I want to open that bottle of jäger tonight, and i don't even want to think about these two."

"That is something I can do, do you want anyone else in on this party?"

"No, I've been embarrassed enough today, I don't want anything to do with anyone else. Please lead Javier and whoever else he's traveling with back to the school, I'll be in my favorite spot if you need me."

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