Just You and Me

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WARNING: mentions sexual themes, and is fluff and will probably be weird to read because I'm bad at writing.

SUMMARY: Clementine tells Louis something that she's been dreading since reading a certain little stick. He tries to calm her nerves.

They'd been married for a year, she'd made sure that they were careful, made sure to double check the days. Then she'd ensure that he'd... take care of the rest somewhere out of the danger zone, but the one night she didn't. Now she knew what Christa had meant to Omid, after he'd panicked about being a father, "It only takes one time." It had really only been one time, and she'd triple checked the numbers to be sure that it was a safe day for her, but she knew that she hadn't known much about the math that she'd been doing. Now, she stood outside of Louis' music room, her knee clicking into the wooden holder for her prosthetic and her heart trying to jump out of her mouth.

Everyone else was on laundry, hunting, or gardening duty, leaving her and the wounded pianist at the school, his arm having been shot with an arrow by an unfriendly person while hunting. She remembered that day clearly, it had only been a month ago, but his shoulder was healing at an abnormally slow rate due to the shortage of food lately- he'd been giving his portions to herself and AJ every other meal. Clementine felt so guilty, she felt as if it were her fault, afterall, she'd initiated it with him. They got lost in each other so deliciously fast, she hadn't had a moment to think without feeling an overwhelming sensation of want, of almost nervous love. She almost lost him, and she wanted to be sure that he'd stay with her, be by her side through thick and thin.

Now, Clem was certain that he wouldn't want to eat unless she'd had her fill, and with the way the rations were going, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. She was going to be the reason that he would leave, and it was all her fault, Clementine hadn't wanted anything bad to happen when they hadn't thought it out. Clementine couldn't believe that she'd done this to them, her stupidity killed them both, for she'd surely die in the process of birthing their... thing. Feeling overloaded, she opened the door, wanting this terrible feeling to dissipate. Louis was always so good at easing her worries, all she had to do was tell him what was ailing her, and he'd somehow find a way to break away the strong foundation on which those problems had been built.

As expected from the alluring music that flowed from the piano, there he sat, her pianist locked into another one of his creations. His dreads lay haphazardly across his head, falling in a somehow perfect path to his shoulders where they reminded her of the mud lines within her back yard after it'd rained. His fingers were gliding across the ivory and ebony keys, the atmosphere surrounding him serene and untouchable as he played. Louis' whole body was at ease, shoulders relaxed as they led to his arms floating weightlessly as his hands moved across the keys. Seeing him like this made her woefully afraid of his reaction to the news that she was packing as she fidgeted with the covered stick in her sticky palms.

'Now is not the time to do this, Clementine Charming, you need to tell him.' She thought firmly to herself, remembering to use her new last name, the one she'd scrawled in her neat penmanship next to his messy but utterly him script on the make-shift wedding certificate. Walking on shaking legs, she crossed the floor to Louis' piano bench, sitting unsteadily next to him as he finished his song. "Hello my Darling Wife, how is your day?"

"Shh.. just... just let me lay on you for a moment, please?" She asked, her voice as small and uncertain as she felt. The fear bubbling within her breast was a gigantic dragon, trying to claw its way to her tear ducts, but she refused to allow it to do so. He didn't speak, just decided to softly play 'Oh My Darling Clementine' as she lay her head on his shoulder. The song filled her with dual emotions of ease and dread, he would always let her speak, always wait on her to tell him when she was ready, but she didn't want to tell him this special news. This news was so new to her, well her being in this situation was new, but it was an even more alien term to him. He probably hadn't witnessed anyone give birth to anything before, except his song's that is, but this was a different kind of creation. This one was deadly, this one could bring a happiness like no other, but it could also bring with it the disappearance of the same happiness or a different kind of it- AJ was living proof of this.

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