My Sunshine Pt.2

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SUMMARY: Clementine thinks back to all of the moments she's had with AJ, and struggles with her feelings for Louis as she has trouble with accepting the fact that her little Goofball is gone.

WARNING: ANGSTY!!!!!!!!! Mentions starvation, and one time skip. Feels coming! I cried while writing this, and you might as well! Best wishes to those who are brave enough to soldier on, oh and mature language!

On the cage ride home, Clementine didn't say a word while she held her little Goofball close, ignoring the look Louis was giving her. Usually, his chocolate eyes would send an army of butterflies flapping in her stomach, and a smile would spread across her lips, but right now? All she wanted to do was punch him, kick him, do anything to make him stop staring at her with those eyes. With that, 'I'm so sorry for your loss' look, only further cementing the fact that AJ was gone, and that he wasn't coming back. She wept once more as the thought moved to the forefront of her mind, her little boy, her little sunshine was gone. Alvin Junior didn't deserve what he got, he never meant anyone harm, he was just a little kid, her baby boy. "Louis, what's goin- oh my lord! Is he alright?" Ruby asked, her words faint to Clementine.

The resident pianist sighed, "he got bit, the fever ate right through him. There wasn't any chance for attempted amputation, and... I think it's best if we get started on his grave. Can someone do that for me, I'll stay with Clem, and-"

"Don't call me that." Clementine deadpanned numbly as she got out of the cage, ignoring the helping hand of Violet and Aasim, "AJ cald me that. He dictated what you all called me, and now he's gone, and you can't call me that anymore." Her tone wasn't one they recognized, in fact, it didn't sound like it had a tone to it at all. The mother figure limped to the graveyard and sat with AJ, mindlessly allowing Ruby to follow after her and tend to her wound.

"This might sting a bit, Sug, ya might wanna look away for this."

Clementine chose not to, instead staring as her leg was cleaned, sewn and bandaged. Throughout the entire ordeal, she didn't flinch, didn't even make any noise. This only pushed everyone to worry even more. When the doctor was done, Louis came to sit next to her as Aasim and Willy took turns with the shovel and bowl, he didn't say anything. Just choosing to sit in silence with her, and when her shoulders hitched to signify her tears, he pulled her closer to him. No words were exchanged, and though a part of Clementine loathed her pianist right then, she melted into the embrace. Louis still held onto her when her sobs stopped, and smoothed her hair as she sniffled in defeat. "I wish things were different..." she murmured. "AJ was too young to die, and... you know he never even took a picture? He never got to see a small photo of himself, he never got to... he never got to do a lot of things. He... was all I had Louis... how am I supposed to move on?"

"You don't, you take it one day at a time, and the hurt will get less and less as time goes on." Louis responded as Aasim and Willy finished with the grave, "would you like me to lower him in?" She shook her head in response.

"When he came into this world, I wasn't the first to hold him because he wasn't mine, and now that he is- I refuse to not be the last person to hold him. Just... just get everyone else here... he'll be down there and... and I'll be putting the dirt on him." Louis nodded and went to do as he was asked, allowing Clem to do her part. When everyone was there, she'd already scooped half of the dirt in the pile on top of him, her tears streaming down her cheeks as she shoveled the dirt. Once she was done, she stood at the foot of the grave, allowing others to gather around her and signaling Louis to start the service.

Even Clementine would have said that it was beautiful, Violet sang a song with a familiar melody and even the bird seemed to take a moment of silence for the loss of her little Goofball, and Louis was heartwrenchingly chivalrous by leading the service and asking if anyone would like to come up and speak for AJ or Tennesse. Clementine was first to volunteer, but when she seen the little cross that Omar and WIlly had worked hard on... she burst into sobs. Her words mostly being a long apology to her boy, with the Autumn air nipping at her tear-stained cheeks, pretty soon her knees gave and she was on the dirt. Begging for whoever decreed the loss of her boy to bring him back, that she'd do anything, that she'd be a better person- a better mom, but to no avail.

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