Meeting in the Sun

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WARNING: Feels are coming your way

DESCRIPTION: Louis and AJ are scouting for more people when they come across three people Clementine never thought she'd see again, however; they have a new addition to the famliy that all three of the new comers are in a state of unimaginable shock to meet.

"I can't believe that we need more people to help with everything, I mean can't we do it ourselves, Dad?" AJ asked, as he moved a bit beside him. The little five year old was now ten, and standing about to his elbow, with his wide cinnamon eyes challenging anything to come his way. He'd gotten into the habit of calling him that shortly after a certain little baby came along about four years ago, and he hadn't really thought about not calling Louis his dad, because in a way that's what he was to AJ- a dad. He knew about Alvin and Rebbecca, but Clementine and Louis had taken to raising him together like ducks to water, and he was grateful to them. "You and mom always say that we can do anything that we put our minds to, why is this any different?"

"Well, we've still got a lot to do for our community son, and a lot of things need to be taken care of in a community. It's like... it's like Delta's ship. They needed a lot of people to make it work, and keep it working, so they naturally had a lot of members on the boat." Lou explained, he and Clem had also given him a new nickname, one neither really wanted to give up. "We need some more people to help expand our boarders, so we can herd some animals into the nearby pasture of grass, then we can start planting some wheat." They continued their trek through the forest that they'd become so familiar with, and from the corner of his eye he seen AJ's face scrunch up in confusion. "And before you ask, it's a kind of plant that we can eat for nurishment, make all kinds of food you've never had before. Like bread and flour for cake and to make our soup a bit thicker during winter."

Rustling from nearby made them turn and see a caucasion male with a beard and mustache walk out of the brush. "Sounds like you've got quite the plans for your community, son."

"We'd like to go there." Louis turned at the feminine voice and seen an african american woman with a hard face and a large gun in her hands, and beside her stood an african american male, whose beard and mustache went to about his chin.

"Alright, we're looking for new members anyways, you don't need to use force." Louis talked, his voice slightly raspy as he pushed AJ behind him slightly.


"Not now, AJ, let the adults talk. Please, put your weapons away, and I won't tell my wife. She's the leader, asked me to come on her behalf for scouting out people and seeing if they'd fit with our community." He asked diplomatically, keeping his breaths level, just in case they had to make a run from the threatening trio.

The woman crossed her arms after she'd put her gun on her back, "why should we believe you? You could be some kind of cannabal tribe or some sort."

"We prefer the taste of deer and fish, ya' know, animals we ate before the whole world went down hill?" Louis asked rehtorically as he crossed his arms in front of him, showing his slight offense. "The name's Louis, and this is my son, Alvin Junior Everett." He introduced himself and his son, keeping a calm eye on their surroundings and an ear out for the smelly patrol. "Please, let's have this conversation at my home, we can have food and we won't have to worry about the walkers."

The tallest of the males chuckled a bit, "where did you hear that term?"

"It's what my wife calls them, I picked it up after we got married four years ago." Louis answered honestly as he uncrossed his arms and put them by his sides, a sign of complete trust in strangers. "Are you interested?" He asked, hoping that they would consider it, or at the very least not shoot the poor man dead- he still had so much to live for.

The unknown trio met eyes for a moment, seemingly able to communicate without words, before the woman spoke: "We'll go, but if we don't like what we find, we leave-immediately." The two men in her group gave a silent sigh of gratitude for her decision before they began to follow Louis.

What greeted the trio when they approached the large gates of Ericson's Boarding School, was one of the rare sights of a child and a mother together walking out of the administrative building. They both wore yellow sundresses, the little girl's only going a little bit to her knees, and the womans going about mid-calf. The tiny tot's hair was only half pigtails, meaning half of her curls were free to settle on her shoulders while the top portion poofed a bit on the top of her head. The woman, who looked pain-stakingly familiar to the group of older adults, wore her hair in a high bun, some curls framing her light caramel skin in the afternoon sun. "Hey Clem, Lou's gonna be back soon, he and AJ left a little while ago and should be on their way back. With or without people."

"I know, I trust him, Calvin. I don't trust what could happen to him if he and AJ ran into someone unruly out there, I'd... well I'd never forgive myself if anything bad happened to him." She answered trying not to cry in front of her precious sweetpea.

The little girl stayed by her mother's side, obediently waiting for her parent to tell her anything to do, until she looked at the gate and seen the group of five. "Daddy!!" She exclaimed and began running for her father, right through the open gates, just as her mother looked to her side for her daughter, only to find her already making a bee line for her dread headed parent. "Brother!!!" Clementine began running to catch up with the child, praying that there weren't any walkers lingering anywhere near the school front or sides.

AJ was quick to draw his weapon, keeping an eye out for any deadheads as their father made a mad dash for his little girl, "Sugarpea, you shouldn't be running out of any gates! You're too young, you might get hurt by a monsters, and you have to stay next to your mommy at all times. You know this Carlee Dianna Everett," Louis chastised as he plucked his daughter off of the dirt ground, eyes scanning the perimeter for any smelly patrol officers.

"You've... a kid? How... how old?" Christa managed, her body almost shaking from the newly obtained information. The man put his baby girl on his hip, giving the trio of new arrivals a better view of the child. Her little golden irises looked far too familiar to be coincidence, and the freckles scattered across her face and little arms made it clear who her father was, if she hadn't called out to him earlier they would've been able to tell who fathered her.

"She's four and a half years, Sweetpea, you can't be running away from Mommy like that. You can't be rushing out of the gates without anyone to protect you honey, you know what could happen." The out of breath mother lectured as she approached her husband. "Sorry about all of the excitement, she's normally well behaved, however; her father and brother left this morning without saying goodbye." Her gold irises narrowed at the dreadheaded father of two, then the small boy with an afro. "The name's Clementine, how do you- oh my gosh! Lee, Christa, Kenny?" Excitement filled their bones as happiness and shock over took their already shocked faces.

The named adults took a step closer to the famliy of four, and she moved to hug Lee, her tears already wetting her cheeks as she embraced him. "I'm so glad you're here."

Lee returned the embrace whole-heartedly, content settling over his skin, "Me too Sweetpea, me too."

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