3- Silence before the storm.

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Jungkook strides toward the Kim family who looks surprised to see the sudden appearance and change in his body language! Kim namjoon sighed with relief that nothing drastic changes happened.

Jungkook stand in front of the Kim family and the jeon family also joined him. He deep breaths and finally bow down toward them in apology.

"I'm sorry for my earlier behaviour, Hyung. I shouldn't act that way. Please let go of my misbehaviour, I promise you that it never happens again." Jungkook again bows down to namjoon but this time namjoon grabs his shoulders and stops him from apologising.

"It's ok, jungkook. I understand. Things happen sometimes. You don't need to worry about it. The real question is...are you ok?"

Jungkook glanced at namjoon's face and saw taehyung just right behind namjoon looking at him with worried expressions. He quickly averts his eyes,

"I'm fine, Hyung, thanks for your forgiveness."

Seokjin come to his side and patted jungkook's shoulder, he smile and say,

"You shouldn't feel sorry for being honest to yourself, jungkook. People like you are rear of the society. Emotions are the things which makes us humans. I hope you are alright and if you want to rest you can..."

"No, no, Mr Kim,"

"Call me jin Hyung. You are just like tae for me." Jin smiled so bright that jungkook somehow forget his pain for a moment and smile in return,

"Ok, jinie Hyung, I'm fine, really, thank you,"

"Ahhhaaa....no, no, no, you can't say him jinie hyung. It's only my right to call him that. " taehyung suddenly came forward and interfere with their conversation. Jungkook looked sideways not to look at taehyung directly.

"Nonsense," Jin rolled his eyes,

Taehyung smirked and fixed his eyes on the fragile boy in front of him,

Jungkook knew he can't run away forever, he need to push himself. He closed his eyes for a while and then directly stared at taehyung. Even if his heart keeps summersaults inside his rib cage and his heartbeat running like a marathon, his face looks rigid as a stone.

"I'm sorry, Mr Kim. We didn't introduce ourselves well. Hi, my name is jeon jungkook. It's nice to meet you." Jubgkook extended his hand for a handshake and taehyung grab it in a firm hold. Both shake their hand and withdraw after a moment. Jungkook felt electrified inside, every vain of his body throbbing with the thrill of the first touch of his love for the first time but he can't reflect it on his face. Taehyung still gazed at his face like solving a puzzle. His palm like the softness of the other hand but he can't tell him that,

"If you don't mind, can I ask you something?" Taehyung want to solve the mystery,

"Hmm," jungkook hesitate but nodded,

"Have we met before?"

Jungkook was taken aback by this sudden question! his doe shape eyes widened and his mouth opened with shock,

(Did he know me? What if he remembers me?")

Bambam understand the conflict in jungkook's mind and he quickly comes for his rescue,

"Oh, I don't think so, Mr Kim. I am his friend from high school and also his secretary. I knew about the things you ask and I can say no he didn't meet you before, for sure," bambam extended his hand while answer politely,

Taehyung shake hand with bambam and smiled,

"Oh! I see, maybe I thought because of the way he looked at me before. Hope I didn't remind him of something bad,"

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