Chapter 42 | Family Meeting

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The news of Huang Dewei's family reaching the palace reached Wang Lei's ears and he send the servants right away to them. He put them out of his room and put them in the guest room which was a lot bigger and more comfortable. They all can't fit in his small room either and Huang Dewei's family also felt happy and delighted upon receiving luxurious treatment from the royal family. Huang Dewei still decided to stay in his room since he was more comfortable there. His family spend the night in comfort and Huang Dewei also felt warm seeing that Wang Lei was giving respect to his family like his own. 

The next day, early in the morning, a meeting took place between them. His family was sitting in front of Wang Lei and Huang Dewei was sitting next to him while Xin Ying, Chen Ju, Ai Cong and Wang Wei were all also present. It was a formal meeting between families where others were also presented to get to know the family of a new member of the royal family soon in future. 

'It is an honour for us to become part of the royal family, your Majesty' Qianfan said as he bowed down alongside his family and expressed his honour.

'Welcome to our family.' Wang Lei responded back in a prideful tone. 

'I was shocked to see my son's hair but your hair is the same as well your Majesty.' Daiyu said puzzled and stunned upon seeing Wang Lei's hair same as Huang Dewei whereas Wang Lei politely smiled in response as he looked towards Hyang Dewei who was looking down. He looked nervous and anxious...Wang Lei could feel his tense nerves. 

'It just happen. Were you comfortable last night at the guest house?' Wang Lei asked to change the topic since he knew that topic was painful to Huang Dewei. 

'Yes, your Majesty. We are thankful for your mercy.' Qianfan said gratefully and Wang Lei just nodded his head when Qianfan looked at him as he spoke up

'May I ask something, your Majesty?' Qianfan asked for permission as he was looking at him and Wang Lei nodded his head

'Yes, sure. Please ask whatever you want to.'

'Are you sure you want him? I mean I have a daughter too if you are interested. She can also give your children.' Qianfan asked cautiously while Huang Dewei looked at his father and was beyond embarrassed and distressed by his words. Why his father has to ask that while his father was thinking way ahead? He was thinking if he can replace his daughter with Huang dewei and in future if she will give birth to Emperor's kids. They will get more power in the palace. His greed was expanding in a short time and that is human nature. Instead of being grateful, he wanted more just like any human. He was thinking about political views without thinking about how Huang Dewei would feel...He was not being careful regarding Huang Dewei's emotions. 

'At least even you acknowledged that it is a stupid idea of your son to become my son's concubine. He will be useless to Wang Lei.' Wang Wei commented sharply and it cut through Huang Dewei's heart. He bites down his lips as he stayed quiet. He could not even say anything since it was his own father's fault. His father also did not like Wang Wei's comment but he can't be disrespectful to him and also it was his own words. He gave them the opportunity to say bad things about his son. 

'No, I got who I want which is your son, not your daughter and I am saying this with all due respect to you and your daughter.' Wang Lei replied ignoring his father's statement while Xin Ying felt bad for Huang Dewei. She had no idea why he wanted to take all the insults from others. People in the palace would make his life hell. First, he was male which according to others he was useless and second he was a slave who came from a poor background. She felt pity and sympathy for him since he was once his lover and she knew he was a great man. Chyou also felt delighted and happy upon hearing Wang Lei say those words about her brother. She does not mind he rejected her since it was an idiotic idea of her father to even suggest something like this. 

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