stubborn alex :/

949 13 6

---Magnus's POV---

"Do I haaaaave to come? I told some of the kids from the shelter I would help them wi-"
"Come on. This won't take long! Percy said it's worth it." I interrupted Alex Fierro- my wonderful girlfriend -and tugged on her hand.
"Yeah, yeah. Percy is SO very smart. EVERYTHING he says is true." She finally started walking. "Who meets up at the library anyways? They must be huge nerds."
"Says you." I mumbled.
"Nothing! Anyways. Apparently we're meeting Nico and Will. Percy said one's emo and one's all sunshines and rainbows!"
"How wonderful." She opened the library door, "After you, good sir."
"What's that I hear?! Alex being kind and polite to me?!" I gasped in fake shock.
She slammed the door in my face.
--10 minutes later--

    "wOn'T tAkE LoNg." Alex mocked me, "Come on let's leave. We've been here for over an hour-"
    "More like 10 minutes. Oh look! An emo guy and a sunshiny dude!" I gestured towards the door, where two teen boys just walked in.
    "Don't assume genders, MAGNUS." Alex lectured.
    "Yeah, yeah."

fierrochase meets solangelo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ