ayy good job, maggie! :D

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---Alex's POV---

    My breathing was heavy with anxiety. I had two hands on the edge of a cliff in the middle of nowhere with no one around.
I won't cry. 
I won't cry.
I won't cry.
I won't cry.
I won't cry.
I won't- a tear slid down my face.
It's okay, Alex. The gods won't let you die. But... was it worth it? It was taking all my strength to hold onto this cliff. I want to die on my own terms... maybe I should just let g-
NO. I have Magnus to live for. Samariah too. And all of our other friends. I. Will. Live.
"ALEX?" It was him! Magnus! He can't see me crying. I quickly wiped my tears.
Oh, great.
Now I'm holding on with one hand. It's okay... Magnus will save- gah what am I thinking?! He's weaker than a damn rat.
"ALEX!" I could see him now.
"It's okay. H-hold on one more second... I love you, Alex Fierro." He reached down and grabbed my arm with both of his hands and pulled. Gods, did it hurt.
He yanked back. Then I was on solid ground again! Well, if you count Magnus as solid ground. I rolled off him and sat up, massaging my arms.
But then he pulled me closer to him, and kissed me. Wow. That was a first... it was usually me making the move. But hey, I'm not complaining. He pulled away and looked at me.
"You're not dying on my watch." He said.
"I'm already dead."
"You know what I mean!" He kissed me again- a quick one.
"Um... hi?" We looked up to see Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace looking at us.

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