percy is aquaman, no matter what he says :-)

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---Magnus's POV---

"He's breathing." I assured my friends. We were all leaning over Percy Jackson's unconscious body in the middle of the woods. Percy's sister- Estelle -was having her birthday party at some random body of water next to the woods. If she wanted to make a "big birthday entrance", she definitely did.
After she told us her big brother was dead (frightening, I know), we all followed her through a twisting path in the woods. I can't believe she remembered the path. I could've sworn we were running for hours...
After all that running, I felt about ready to pass out... pass out... passss ouuuu- sorry. Of course I wouldn't do that! That's Hearth's thing. Also Jason's- though I still have no idea who that is.
A couple other people arrived after we found Percy. My cousin Annabeth and her friend Grover Underwood. Also Hearth and Blitz, but they were back at the water setting up for the party. We used rune communication, and told him Percy would be fine.
I started to heal Percy. He seemed to be bashed in the head... but it was... different. Will kneeled down next to me to help.
"We're lost in the woods somewhere in New York, and we're never gonna celebrate Estelle." Annabeth started singing a song. I never thought she was the kind of person to sing nursery rhymes. She seems more like the person to haunt your dreams, but never mind that.
"We're lost and it's cold, and Percy almost stopped breathing..." Grover joined in.
Percy was waking up!
"Percy? Percy, oh thank gods. Perccyy!" Estelle hugged him.
"W-what happened?" He asked, sitting up.
"There was a monster. And you fought it! With Riptide!!" Estelle told him.
Jack (my talking sword) vibrated against my chest in his runestone form.
"It was dying, but then it hit your head before it disappeared. It was soooo scary, but you were a HERO! Like aquaman!" Estelle finished.
"Well, let's celebrate your birthday, Estelle!" T.J. said.
"Yeah!" Mallory and Halfborn said simultaneously, then glared at each other.
"Um. Not to ruin the mood, but... we're lost." Nico pointed out.
"I know the way!" Estelle skipped in a certain direction, not checking to see if anyone was following.
That's when I realized.
"Wait! Alex. Alex is missing. WHERE'S ALEX?!"
Everyone got silent, and I heard a rustling in the opposite direction from Estelle's chosen path.
I ran.

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