And They Met

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*Ding Ding* The bell of a cafe door poured into the room grabbing your attention. You were beautiful, long wavy brunette hair that was pulled up into a tight ponytail, clear glasses resting on your face. You wore a baby blue apron that read Clover on the name tag, along with tight fitting blue washed out jeans that flared out at the ends, slightly covering your favorite mustard yellow Converse. Under your apron you wore a white crop top that hugged your torso accentuating your slim figure.

A man entered the cafe with a frown, he looked for a table before sitting down and letting his book bag rest on the ground next to him. He wore round black glasses on his face along with his stressed facial expression. You walked over to the man with a smile and a bounce in your step.

"How may I help you sir?" you spoke lightly, these words imprinted in your mind you had said them so many times over again.

"Green lemon tea," he responded dully entranced on his phone. You nodded, writing down his order on your baby blue notepad; one green tea with lemon.

"It's on its way sir," you chirped before walking back to the counter. You grabbed a glass while humming the lyrics to Hole Lotta Love by Hollywood Vampires, a remastered song but nevertheless your favorite. You cut up a lemon, preparing it for the man's tea before grabbing the hot kettle, pouring steaming water into the glass, while you dipped the tea bag in, and rested the string on the side of the cup. Finally plopping two lemon slices in the cup, you carefully strolled over to the table.

"Here you go sir." you pipped, setting the cup down on the table. The only response you got was silence, but you kept smiling as it was your job to please your customers.

"Just call for me if you need anything else," you said walking away to serve another customer.

You handed the frail old woman the basket of pastries with care.

"You have a wonderful day Mrs. Green, send my love to your daughter," you said warmly.

"Oh, you too dear send my hugs to Ala." Mrs. Green said leaving the cafe. Mrs. Green was a regular; she came every Sunday to buy pastries for her sick daughter. You had always admired that about her, even though her daughter was old enough to take care of herself she still took care of her, especially when she got diagnosed with cancer. Poor woman, you thought. You once again began to hum the song from before while you made sure everything was tighty in the cabinets. Interrupting your thoughts was the very rough call from the man before, you walked over to him with your notepad ready to write anything down.

"Yes sir?" you tilted your head in his direction not noticing the man who now sat across from the first.

"I want a rainbow doughnut," he said, still paying no attention to you. You didn't really mind, though.

"Tommas, that's no way to treat a lady." The man said from across the table, you immediately looked to your left to see a man sitting there. 'When did he get there?' you thought.

"Oh I didn't see you there, what would you like sir?" you smiled something you did a lot.

"I am sorry for my friend's snobby behavior, I would like a black coffee, and a strawberry danish please." He stated with a kind smile.

"Right away sir," you said, standing up straighter before turning away. You could have sworn you heard Tommas laugh and comment on the other man's behavior labeling it as flirting with you. 'Was he really flirting?' you thought before quickly wiping the thought from your mind and continuing on with preparing the man's food. You walked back over to them a couple minutes later with two plates and a mug in hand, you smiled at them and were about to turn away when someone spoke up.

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