Guitar picks and Lavender

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Turning a corner you swiftly halted to a stop looking down at the messy ground. The floor was absolutely showered with shards of glass. Looking back up you lock eyes with a startled Johnny, before a look of defeat washed over his face. He looked to a wall next to the door way you stood in and then back to the floor as he slumped his shoulders.

"Johnny, are you okay?" you asked, furrowing your brows in concern.

"Yeah, I bumped into the mirror."

"Like facing the mirror?"

"No, my back, I'm fine really I just gotta clean this now." he motioned to the shattered glass coating the dark oak flooring.

"Wait there," you turned to walk away before realizing "where can I find a broom?" you asked, looking back at Johnny again.

"Oh, no I can take care of it, I made the mess after all." he gave a halfhearted smile.

"Nonsense, you can't get past this glass without hurting yourself. I mean you're only wearing socks." you pointed, raising your brows.

"Well I suppose you're right. The uh broom is in the closet in the hallway downstairs."

"Thank you, I will be right back, do not move." you said looking into his eyes a stern expression on your face as you rushed down the stairs to the broom closet. Running back up the stairs with the broom and dustpan you stopped for a moment to catch your breath. You were not much of a runner. Sure you did gymnastics, ballet, volleyball, and dance class growing up, not all at once of course. You had forgotten some of the talents over the years. Yet you had hated running, every aspect of it. There had been moments growing up where it felt magical but the magic would quickly fade when the pain in your ribs arised and the sting in your throat became too apparent.

"Here I got the broom and dustpan." you announced holding the broom up like a prized possession.

"Thank god, I'm getting a little restless standing in the

middle of a bunch of glass. Kinda feels like I'm playing floor is lava." Johnny chuckled.

"Well I'm here to save the day" you giggled as you sweeped a path for Johnny to walk before you started to sweep the rest up into a pile. The broom halted to a stop causing you to look back seeing Johnny standing over you with one hand on the broom.

"If you think I'd let you clean up my mess, you clearly need new friends." Johnny joked as he started to sweep up the broken glass.

"If you think I'm gonna let my friend clean up this big mess all by themselves when I have two capable arms and legs. Then you need new friends." you pointed out grabbing the dust pan in time to hold it up for him to sweep all the glass into it.

"Well I guess we both need more friends" he said walking down stairs to the broom closet you following close behind.

"Maybe you're right." you decided now would be a good time to bring up the bonfire. "You know tomorrow night I'm having a bonfire, you and the band are welcome to come. Ala is in charge of the guest list."

"You haven't even left yet and you're already inviting me to hangout tomorrow? I must be good company."

"Well I'm hoping so, I don't know anyone Ala is inviting. You know us, not being from Hawaii, we know nobody. So she's inviting this cute boy she met and his friend group."

"Do you think he's cute? Or does Ala think he's cute?" he let out a knowing laugh.

"Her obviously, I don't really pay attention to men."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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