Compelling Breakfasts

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Johnny: Hey, I told you I would text you :)

Clover: Man of your word? I'm impressed

Johnny: So you mean to tell me you didn't think I would be? :D

Clover: Maybe :p

Johnny: Wow, I see how it is. I was actually wondering if you wanted to come over before the show and practice guitar with me?

Clover: Yes ofc, will the band be there?

Johnny: Yeah, around 1 pm they get here. I figured you'd rather warm up without them here though.

Clover: Sounds good, send the address.

Johnny: Be here 9:30 am at (Address)

Clover: see ya

Johnny: see ya

    Clicking your phone off you got up from the couch and headed to Ala's room. You planned to let her know you would be gone and she could meet with that 'cute' boy she met at the beach last night. After you both would meet at the stadium for the second half of the concert at 3 pm.

    "Hey Ala, Johnny wants to practice guitar with me, I'll meet you at the concert an hour before starting time?" you informed, leaning against the door frame. You waited patiently as you observed Ala finish her lip stick.

    "Yeah no worries I'm fine here, Blake is coming over soon anyways. He was gonna bring his friends so it would be less third wheeling and more of a hangout but I'll let him know." She said while applying some powder to her under eyes and jawline.

"Maybe we can all hangout tomorrow? WAIT we need a bonfire tomorrow night!" you smiled, jumping up and walking into Ala's room.

"Omg yes we do, that's such a good idea. You should invite Johnny and tell him to invite his friends." Ala said, glancing at you through the mirror as she brushed out her powder.

"Maybe, I don't know if Johnny really wants to be around a bunch of young adults though." you pondered fiddling with your rings on your fingers.

"Oh come on now Clo. he wants to be around you doesn't he?" Ala pointed her makeup brush at you with one brow raised.

"I guess you're right, but may I point out one twenty one year old is different then a bunch of them. I mean how well can they all handle their liquor?"

"We handle ours astoundingly. And I said he should invite his friends too, meaning he wouldn't be the only 40 year old there."

"True, let me get to know him better today and by that I will judge if he would wanna be there." you played with your brown hair that still had braids in it from yesterday. "You focus on getting to know that drake guy or whatever and start planning the bonfire with his group."

"Blake you mean, and yes I will." Ala corrected. "Should I put my hair up or leave it down?"  Ala asked, playing with her blonde hair.

"Here let me do your hair. It's only 7 am right now and I need to leave by nine to get to Johnny's by 9:30 at latest." you contemplated, knowing it takes about fifteen minutes to get to Johnny's house. You had looked it up on maps as soon as he sent the address, and you knew there was a coffee shop on the way and decided you would buy Johnny some coffee and hope there was a smoothie for you as that was what you were in the mood for.

"I'm wearing a pastel yellow crop top, tank top and baby blue shorts with my yellow converse and white flannel. Oh and my white sunglasses" Ala told you with the intention of sparking a vision for you. Lucky for Ala you did come up with an idea.

    Grabbing Ala's hair brush and sea salt spray, you prepped her hair for the hair style.

     Fifteen minutes later you had her hair half up and half down. You had fluffed up her hair with the sea salt spray.

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