Tired Travels

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Arriving at the park you pulled into the gravel parking lot slowly searching for the area that held Ala's bright yellow jeep. Finding the large yellow vehicle rather quickly, you pulled up next to it. Pulling your keys out of the ignition you sat up right and pulled off your helmet. Letting your hair flow freely in the summer breeze.

"Yo," Ala said through her rolled down window, "Get in we have some plans to make."

"What plans?" you questioned knowing that she wanted to do something tonight, and that's clearly why she wanted to meet here instead of at home.

"Well we finished the house today, and I want to delay you seeing it until we get back from the trip so we are staying at a hotel tonight and I have some cool plans." You thought about that for a moment, you had already packed for the trip but you would need to grab your suitcase and you wanted to see the house badly. Then you realized she said 'we' when explaining she finished the house.

"Who's we?" you started, "And I would need to grab my bags, and drop my motorcycle off at home."

"Jeez that's a lot, so first we means me and my brother remember? And two I have your bag in the back along with mine and three," Ala spoke listing things off on her fingers, " we can drop your motorcycle off right now I guess but no going inside." Ala said while buckling up.

"Alright, see you there." You said pulling your helmet back on and plunging the key back into the ignition. Ala understood your perposle of a race home, and quickly turned her jeep on.

You both pulled out of the parking lot at the same time but you being on a motorcycle had the advantage of speeding up quicker than Ala in a larger vehicle. Taking this advantage you sped up, leaving Ala far behind you. You sat against your bike waiting on your phone in front of your house that you so wanted to enter and explore. You wanted to run your fingertips along every surface, you wanted to sit on your couch and blast music while you read one of your many books. But alas you could not, for Ala wanted it to be a 'surprise'. The low rumble of a car filled your ears slowly growing larger as it approached you, looking up it was Ala as you expected. Smiling widely, you pushed yourself off the bike, putting your phone into your pocket and grabbing your purse as you walked to the passenger side. Opening the door you set your purse down on the Dashboard.

"Hey, stopped for a nap on the way here?" you joked, Ala cocked her head at you with a smile,

"Oh you know it I was just so tired."

" Then put my bike in the garage for me since you're so well rested and I'm not able to see the house?"

"Mhm Yeah." Ala said unbuckling and pulling the key half off so that the heating and music systems were still functional, but the engine wasn't running. You grabbed the handle that hung from the roof and hoisted yourself up into the seat and closed the door. Turning your bluetooth on the radio you turned on "Hole lotta love" by Hollywood vampires.

You were singing your heart out in the middle of the song when Ala got back into the car turning the radio down to talk to you about your plans.

"Ok so we are staying in a suite because dad wants us to, why I don't know. We have lived without his money for two years but still." You knew Ala ment her dad when she said that, he was like a dad to you the same as yours was to her. " Then we are having taco Johns for dinner. I don't care what you say I've already decided, and lastly we are going to go shopping tomorrow morning for swimsuits. I went today but the stores that were open didn't have any cute ones so if we don't find any tomorrow we will be in Hawaii."

"Ok and I'm down for tacos." you responded looking out the window at the lights rushing past you. Ala glanced at you without your knowing she could tell you were thinking about something.

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