Breathtaking Concerts

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It was now five o'clock and tomorrow was the first half of the concert. You and Ala were eating while planning on what to wear.

    "What about our swimsuits under our clothes and we could wear short shorts with band tees." you suggested nudging Ala. she looked up from her phone glancing over to you with a proud expression.

    "You know I'm proud to say I'm your best friend." Ala commented, "And that I taught you well." causing a weird look from you in response.

    "Yeah last I checked I taught you how to dress you only know swimsuits more than me." you pressed your pointed finger on her chest sticking your tongue out.

    "Yeah swimsuits are the most important." she laughed, as if it was contagious you started to laugh with her.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" you yell to Ala as she's rushing out the door to the cab. Ala jumps in the cab and the driver pulls out of the driveway to the concert. Excitement rushes to you as you didn't feel the full effect of meeting your favorite band until now. You were beyond excited and nervous. Johnny being there wasn't helping, you and him decided to meet after the first concert by the merchandise stand where the band was also meeting to greet fans. Who would you see first, your favorite band or the guy you just met? No, why are you even considering this? Your favorite band obviously had a whole lot larger of an impact on your life than Johnny, a man who you just met. You pointed out in your head thinking of possibilities that could happen. The interactions to come would never cross your mind as the driver stopped in front of a concert stadium.

The wait was definitely worth it as you marveled at the huge stage before you. You had VIP tickets somehow, the man at the front had said you both had been picked in a lottery to move up into VIP instead of the previous seats. You and Ala were standing there talking about how excited you two were to have the chance to see them for the first time when people started coming out and people started to cheer names.

First was a wrinkly man with black long hair, eyeshadow around his eyes and a leathery suit on. People started to cheer 'Alice Cooper' so naturally you assumed he was Alice Cooper, he set up with an electric guitar and mic on the left side of the stage. Next came a slightly less wrinkly man with medium length brown hair that had white at the front, he too wore a leathery suit. People started to chant 'Joe Perry' as he set up on the right side of the stage with an electric guitar. Three more men came out and one went straight to the drums while the others set up with guitars in the back, people cheered but not a particular name. You knew there were three main men who were accompanied by others. Finally the lead came out Johnny Depp, Which left you in complete shock. Jaw dropping to the ground your eyes met with his as he searched the crowd, smiling when his eyes met yours. He was at the center with Alice and Joe a foot or two away from him. He wore an assortment of necklaces, bracelets and rings along with the same round glasses from before. A black button up short sleeve shirt was tucked into his black loose fitting jeans along with a black T under the buttoned shirt. His hair was slightly in his face laying perfectly.

"Still not into him?" Ala whispered in your ear. You stayed still not knowing what to do or how to respond. Was this real? you thought not looking away from him as if he would disappear. Your heart started to pound, your eyes watering.

"Yo, you good?" Ala turned to you now worried.

"Uh yeah?" you nodded " I think so?" you breathed in heavily hoping to calm yourself. Failing miserably you started to get even more excited and less nervous, you decided to try and have fun and worry about meeting him later.

"Ok so are we gonna talk about this now?" Ala commented while eating her fries she got from the confession stand.

"Nah this isn't really the place to talk about it." you said taking a fry.

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