Reunion With You P.2

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🌺:Heyoo Flowers! Didn't wanna leave u all in a cliffhanger for too long so here u go! ENJOY!

Leoreo's POV:

"Hey Kurapika are you going to school today?" I ask while on a call with Kurapika getting ready for High-school.

"Ye.. I will. I'll just check on Pairo one more time before I leave.." He s said sounding sad.

I frown as I walk out closing the door.

Kurapika's cousin has been terribly sick lately. And since Kurapika cares for him like his younger brother he has been extra worried about him.

"It's gonna be alright sunshine. Am sure he will be just fine." I say calling him his special nickname that I gave him trying to comfort him.

"Mhm.. I hope so. I'll get ready see you at school." He says hanging up after.

I look at my phone frowning then turn it off and place it in my pocket. I decide to take a walk at the park while waiting for him. I walk around not paying attention to where am going until I look in front of me to a huge tall tree.

"Woah.." I sigh in amazement, walking around it. I soon start hearing hums that seemed like I lullaby before it stops.

I shrug it off and was about to walk away before hearing a a scream.

"Ah!" I look behind me to see a kid about to fall and I run catching him before he could touch the ground.

I sigh in relive as I look at the kid to see if he was alright. He was shutting his eyes before opening them slowly.

"What the hell kid?! You could have gotten really injured!" I yelled putting him down and helping him stand without loosing his balance.

Gon's POV:

I open my eyes and look at the figure that caught me to see that it's a man with black short hair and wearing small glasses.

He puts me down and yells at me calling me a kid as I get annoyed.

"Am not a kid! Am 17!" I say annoyed as I fold my arms and look at the old man.

He looks at me raising an eyebrow confused.

"You are? Sorry, your kinda short for someone your age." He says apologizing as I sigh and smile politely.

"It's ok. Thanks for saving me mister...?" I say looking at him waiting for his name.

"Oh, am Leoreo." He says smiling.

"Well thanks mister Leo-" I say before I stop mid way in my sentence and my eyes widen looking at him.

"Oreo?!" I say surprised that am seeing Leoreo right now in front of me.

"Excuse me?" He asks confused as I frown.

"Leoreo it's me. Gon Freecss." I say looking down sad that he didn't remember me.

No-one's POV:

Leoreo's eyes widen as he looks at Gon.

"Gon is that really you?!" He say surprised as He look at him. 'He looks so different tho. He's thinner, he has his hair downwards not like before and he his eyes look tired. He doesn't look like before.' Leoreo thought frowning.

"Yes! It's so nice seeing you again Leoreo!" Gon says excitedly happy that Leoreo remembered him as he hugs him tightly.

Leoreo smiles softly as he hugs Gon back but frowns noticing how light he is. Gon breaks the hug and looks excitedly at Leoreo.

"How has it been Oreo? Are u still friends with Killua and the others??" Gon asks looking at Leoreo as the other male smiles and nods.

"Yes, we are still friends." Leoreo says chuckling, looking at his watch to see that he was about to be late.

"Oh crap! I gotta go now Gon! Or im gonna be late!" Leoreo says and held his bag as Gon wore his bag over his shoulder knowing he might be late as well.

"What Highschool are you going to?" Gon asked as they walked out of the park and we were walking at the same way.

"Am at the Hunter-high school." Leoreo says casually before Gon gasps and look at him excitedly.

"Am there too!" Gon says happily as he starts skipping and Leoreo smiles.

"Thats great Gon! Kurapika will be happy when he sees u." Leoreo said as he looks at Gon who nods happily.

They continue walking chatting about different things that happened in the years that past, before they arrive to school and they see a blonde standing there.

Gon sneaks behind him slowly before hugging Kurapika tightly. A scream of surprise gets out of the blonde's mouth as he looks at Gon with wide eyes of surprise then looking at Leorek confused yet surprised.

"Pika!!" Gon says excitedly as he tightens his hug more remembering Kurapika the moment he saw him.

Kurapika stands stunned for a minute before he looks at Gon and smiles widely having tears in his eyes.

"Gon!! I've missed u so much!" Kurapika says hugging Gon just as tight. Leoreo smiles softly at the blonde happy to see him smiling.

Gon pulls away from the hug as he looks around him searching for a specific white haired boy but not finding him anywhere.

"Where is Killua?.." Gon asked less excited as his smile fades away. He was hoping to meet Killua since he met Kurapika and Leoreo.

Kurapika frowns but smiles reassuringly.

"Its ok Gon. Killua just doesn't come to first week of school anymore."He says placing his hand on Gon's shoulder comforting him.

Gon looks at Kurapika and smiles regaining hope again.

"Alright! Lets go inside I wanna look around!" Gon says back to his excited self as they walk inside showing him around until the bell rings.

Gon's POV:

"See you around Guys!" I say hugging them before walking away hearing their goodbyes as I wave to them smiling.

I look at my schedule to see I have Math forst listen as I mentally scream but remain calm.

I walk to my class and enter slowly as the students are chatting and some are minding their own business. Someone tall walks towards me as I look to see a man with pink hair and yellow eyes. 'He seems familiar.' I think looking at him.

"Hello, you must be the new student, Gon Freecss right? Am Hisoka Morrow, your math teacher. Please introduce yourself to ur class." The man says as he smiles my way.

I smile back, nodding and bow down politely before walking to the front of the class and introducing myself.

"Uh.. Hello, my name is Gon and am 17. Hope we can be friends.." I say smiling nervously. The class looks at my some giving me friendly smiles and some whispering to eachother.

I look around for a place to set before I find 2 empty desks at the back of the class. I walk to the desk next to the window. And set down looking outside. 'Hope we start this school year peacefully..' I thought before paying attention to the session.
🌺: I bet you all expected him to be Killua right? Well, SIKE! They aren't gonna meet yet. 🥲 Don't kill me tho! Anyway, HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER! 🍫


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