Lunch Time

58 1 13

🌺: Heyyyyyyy. ... :^ ... OK YES YES IK I'VE BEEN OF FOR LIKE A YEAR OR MORE BUT I PROMISE IT WASN'T IN MY HANDS OK?? everything is just a mess rn so no blame pl TvT. but anyway. I got a new chapter?? ':> sooo enjoy hehe TvT




Gon's POV:

----Lunch break----

'Didn't find Kurapika nor Leoreo again..' I just sigh looking down as I walk out of the cafeteria. This time I didn't get any food. I wasn't hungry, or more of I didn't wanna gain more weight..

I end up walking around the school until I find myself in front of the room I was in a few days ago.

'Huh.. why would I end up here..' I was extremely tired from the restless night I had yesterday. Stupid nightmares..

Walking towards the door I find it unlocked just like last time. I walk inside hoping I'll be able to get some rest.

Before sitting down I once again look at the board with words written by chalk on it. 'KEEP OUT. -K/////' it said. I just stare at it blankly before finding myself walking towards it and noticing the chalk that was used to write these words.

"..." I just stare blankly feeling really tired. I just know I look like shit right now..

I unconsciously hold the chalk and scribble something down on the board before feeling my head getting light and sliding down along the wall until I sit down and end up falling asleep.

----2 hours later----

I wake up and look around finding myself in the room I was in during the lunch break before looking at the phone.

'12:15..' I stare at it for a couple of minutes before realizing I missed two classes and one is on right now. It was the art class. my only comfort class and I was going to mess it.

"Oh shit! my Art class!" I get up quickly dust off my clothes and run out of the old classroom am in rushing upstairs before I bump into someone.

"Hey watch it dumbass!!" They yell as they push me away.

"S-sorry!" Is all I said before taking a quick unclear look at them and then sprinting to my Art class again.



???'s POV:

I scoff as I walk out of my math class. "Piece of shit of a teacher." I say out loud as I walk to the stairs.

"Thinking he's so smart while he barely knows shit in what he teaches anywa-" I continue talking angrily before some short guy bumping into me.

"Hey watch it, Dumbass!!" I yell as I look down at him and push him away. He ends up just apologizing looking at me for a second then sprinting away.

"Ugh. Not even apologizing well." I say as I walk downstairs to the last floor of the school. But... while walking I thought ab the same guy who bumped into me a few minutes ago.

'I don't think I saw him around before. I think to myself as I recall how he looked. Dark black hair with green highlights at the end and down covering most of his face since he was looking down, but I think his eyes met mine, and am sure his eyes were either brown or amber. Meh. both are the same. and I think his skin tone was tan? like he stayed out a lot under the sun. And he has cute freckles...' I think as I arrive at the old classroom.

'Wait- cute?! what cute you fucking idiot you barely know this guy!'

I thought madly to myself as I entered groaning.

And yes. Am gay. and I don't feel ashamed saying that, but why would I think the guy is cute while I barely even saw his face yet never talked to him...

I sit down on a desk and sigh. 'I've promised myself to only like him. I won't ever break my promise and think of or like someone else.'

I thought before sighing again and looking around the class having nothing better to do before seeing something written on the board under my warning.

'Huh?' I mumble as I go over to the board and bend down a bit to read what's written.

'No need to yell.' It said.

I glare as I look at it. 'So, someone did enter this class just like I suspected last time. There was clearly left-over from their food.'

I pick up the eraser to erase it before stopping almost doing it and reconsidering. 'Alright then. If they think of this warning as a game then let's try and play along.'

I think smirking before picking up the chalk from the ground and scribbling something back under their words.

----Few hours later----

After sitting on my phone and skipping the rest of the classes until the school is done I walk out of the class ready to go home after picking up my sister as well.

Third POV:

As Gon walks outside to the gates he finally gets to see Kurapika and Leorio and smiles happily running over to them. "Guys! I thought I wouldn't see you before leaving again!"

Leorio had his hand on Kurapika's talking to him and looking like he was comforting him about something before looking at Gon and smiling. "Hey, Gon." He says smiling slightly.

Kurapika on the other hand just looked at him his eyes slightly red and puffy before wiping away the rest of my tears and smiling slightly at him. "Hello.." Barely any happiness was in his voice but he tried his best for Gon's sake.

Gon being observant when it comes to his friends clearly notices something is wrong and looks at him concerned. "Why is Kurapika crying.. Did Something happen?"

Kurapika gently shakes his head with a weak smile. " It's just Pairo.. he wasn't well today when we visited him so am slightly overthinking it is all.." He says as he sighs and it comes out a bit shaky.

Gon just frowns more and nods slightly. "Is that why I couldn't find you guys at all in the cafeteria..?"

Leorio nods while patting Kurapika's shoulder gently to soothe him. "Yes. We asked Principle Netero if we could visit him every lunchtime break as he allows it. just so he isn't alone in his hospital room." He explains looking at Kurapika now.

Gon just frowns more and hugs Kurapika tightly. "Am sure he will be alright soon. you just need to give him more time.." 

Kurapika nods holding back my tears as I just hug him back. Leorio on the other hand is just looking at Kurapika concerned about his health and sighs.

Gon soon enough pulls away from the hug smiling slightly. " I have to go now before Aunt Mito is worried.." He says looking at them.

Kurapika just smiles a bit again and nods. "Yes, I understand. Am sorry we can't spend our break with you tho.." 

Gon just shakes his head with a gentle smile. "No worries as long as Pairo is alright in the end." I say as I walk ahead. "Now I have to go! Goodbye guys!" 

They both just wave to him with a smile as they watch him walk away. Kurapika then just covers my face tears uncontrollably escaping them again as I let out a heavy broken sigh. Leorio quickly looks at him and frowns deciding to just hug him and pat his back.

"Ignore what the doctor said. They aren't always honest.. am sure he be alright.."

He said in a gentle voice trying to comfort them as Kurapika just nodded and tried to stop his tears from rolling down his cheeks and trying to shake off the bad thoughts.




🌺: Heyyyyyy! How's this chapter huh?? any differences in my way of typing or am I just like the old me?? TvT also! I noticed I wrote Leorio with "Oreo" in it thinking that is how to write his name lmao 😂But anyway! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!


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