lily - . 18

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Simply put, lilies are practically bursting with symbolism, though most notable is their ability to convey femininity, love, purity, and grief. The shape and variety of colors, and the sweet scent of the fragrant varieties, make some species of the lily the ideal symbol of femininity. This symbolism dates back hundreds of years, originating with Ancient Egypt. Greek and Roman brides were often given a garland of lilies to wear in their hair, signifying the promise of a pure and fruitful life. In addition to this, white lilies are often used in weddings, as in ancient times they were synonymous with purity. However, the lily is also the flower most commonly used in funerals - most notably within the United Kingdom. The whiteness stands for peace and serenity, while the inherent transience of cut flowers, which bloom and die, are symbolic of life's passing. At times of mourning, it's comforting to know that beautiful lilies can speak of the sadness of our emotions for us. Overall, much like hydrangeas, the lily holds a plethora of contradictory meanings, making it incredibly versatile and useful.

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Saturday, 3:14 p.m.

SIMPLY PUT, you had never felt more uncomfortable in your entire life. You sat with four other people beneath the warmth of a kotatsu, tired, aching legs finding comfort in the warmth exuded by the table. However, your hands seemingly found comfort in nothing, your fingers having long ago begun picking at each other in nervousness. Three adults surrounded you; Endeavor sat directly across from you, Hawks to your right, and Shouto to your left with Fuyumi (who was between the youngest and oldest Todoroki). All of you were silent. Dead silent.

Fuyumi had been kind enough to brew some tea for all of you - it was simple chamomile, which happened to be your favorite due to its calming qualities. Even still, you were far from calm, especially with the eldest Todoroki practically staring into your soul. The walking furnace had kept his gaze on you since you entered the room with his son mere minutes after he and Hawks, quickly noting Shouto's relaxed state and, albeit very lightly, flushed features. Oddly enough, he was not entirely annoyed by this. No, if he could fix your attitude, the two of you could make quite the pair.

If you knew what he was thinking, you would have blanched. Surely, Hawks would have too.

The air was thick, more than enough to metaphorically slice. Hawks seemed bored, Endeavor was terrifying, Fuyumi seemed tense and mildly embarrassed, and Shouto? Well, honestly, he looked as though this was normal. Perhaps, for him, it was, you mused, but it sure wasn't for you. Silence made you nervous - if others weren't talking or visibly happy, it made you feel as though you had done or said something wrong. It wasn't necessarily that you didn't like the quiet though, rather, it was simply because it made you feel uneasy. Gentle silent spells, like the brief ones you had with Shinsou (you keep forgetting to call him 'Toshi) and Izuku were welcomed due to the warmth and serenity they provided. This was anything but warm and serene. This was cold, jarring, and made your bones ache.

"U-Uhm, so," you turned toward Shouto almost mechanically, desperate to break the silence, "... you're going to U.A., right?"

He blinked, nodding gently. He didn't even say yes, you cursed, the room growing silent once more.

Even Hawks seemed somewhat put-off, honestly, with his wings looking rather cramped into the small space. You were a bit concerned for the man, tempted to ask if he was in any soft of discomfort, but before you could Fuyumi piped up (and really? she was a godsend).

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