×Chapter 13×

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Song: System of a down - Aerials


I yawned tiredly as I sat in the back of Ironhide's Alt-form, we were finally heading home and I was exhausted from it all. I craved my bed drastically.

A lot had happened today. I had discovered the Autobots and that my new adopted family works with them...I also had a deep heart-to-spark conversation with my new Guardian.

I still couldn't believe my life right now or my luck.

From what I have been told; The war between the Autobots and Decepticons is still happening. I had snorted at how Ironhide described their enemy as 'Punk Ass Decepeticons'.

"So..." William decided to speak up while he pretended to drive. Making amusement flare up in my eyes, it was funny how Ironhide hated William driving.

"Hmm?" I hum loudly in response, I turned my head to look at William who seemed nervous.

"...What do you think?" Will asks hesitantly while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, he was looking at me in the corner of his eyesight. Eyebrow raised and all. "About the Autobots that is...do you like them?"

I paused at that. This was an awkward conversation to be having inside an Autobot.

"They seem cool..." I slowly responded. I personally still had mixed feelings about this whole subject, but they didn't need to know that.

How do I know that I could trust the Autobots? I don't. Anything could happen. What if they are actually the bad ones, but are just pretending to be the good guys?

I mentally slapped myself across the head. I am over-reacting like usual, I am thinking too hard once again!

Sighing out loud, I leaned against the seat while William remained quiet for the rest of the ride at that answer.

Ironhide didn't even bother in contributing in the conversation, which didn't surprise me honestly.

However it did annoy me a little, but that was mainly because we still haven't addressed the whole 'pretending to be human' topic. It was avoided when we were talking in the field.

I must of dozed off into a deep sleep from my exhuastion, because in seconds I had someone shaking me aggressively. I startled awake to see Williams hazel eyes that were wide and blood was dripping off his forehead. Instantly, I knew something was wrong.

"William?" I say in startlement to quickly sit up in slight shock.

"We need to run Hazel! NOW!" William yelled at me, while shoving me out of Ironhide's dented up alt-mode.

William grabbed my wrist when I fell out of the vehicle and started to drag me in a random direction at a fast rate. My feet skidded across what seemed to be a rocky pavement, trying to catch up to the speed he was running at, but failing. Which made me stumble a lot.

"What-What's happening?" I choke out in confusion, still half asleep, brain trying to catch up to the situation we were in. There was heaps of yelling that I couldn't understand at all.

"Decepticons!" William claims while finally stopping near a tree. Making me sigh in relief as my feet had started to hurt being dragged across rocks.

I started to panic when it hit that William had said Decepticons. My breathing becoming quick and heavy at the very simple, but deadly word that made me flinch in complete terror.

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