×Chapter 25×

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Song: Joyner Lucas - I'm Sorry.


The ground shook like jelly with each blast of a weapon that happened, followed with the nasty collisions of metal against metal; the scraping noises echoed in your ears like chalk on a black board.

This time I knew no one could help...
No one could help us...
No one could help me.

I shot to my feet when the adrenaline finally kicked in like a torpedo being fired. I didn't know how long I had been on the ground for and I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but my heart raced in my body at a fastening pace. It made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack.

My feet subconsciously moved across the concrete ground, they scraped across the shattered glass. Beneath my shoes the glass crunched and cracked from the many totalled vehicles.

I needed to figure out what was happening and how to get out of this situation. I needee to know if Aneska was alright, as well as Ironhide.

Where the hell do I start?
Where do I even go?

My surroundings is a full on blur as if someone had filtered my vision, my head ached badly. I must have hit it hard. The world spun around me, reminding the time Annabelle spun me around in a chair crazily.

I felt my gut drop and bubble with nausea, I felt like spewing up everything I had eaten. I couldn't run straight, I was swaying like crazy.

Heck, was I even running? I couldn't tell. I felt my knees give way, my adrenaline was short lived. Such action caused me to pathetically collapse against a smashed up Holden. My body was giving up on me.

I pushed my hands against its white dented and chipped paint-job, trying to keep myself on my feet and trying to keep moving. I couldn't give up now...I can't.

The beating of my heart in my ears made my mind ache, beating like a time bomb about to go off and I was waiting for it to explode. My eyes met my familiar brown ones in the smashed up car window. My reflection showing them wide with horror, pupils dazed.

The window resembled how I felt at this very moment; Broken and unfixable.

"Somebody help me!"

I felt so helpless. I shook my head to try and gain some sense of reality, wishing for a miracle. So many people... so many families There were someones child out there... someones mother... father... sister... brother.

How could I help them, if I couldn't even help myself?

It was like a horror movie, but it was actually happening. This wasn't fake, this was reality. It was like Mission City all other again... and again... and again.

I couldn't tell if the fight was over yet or if the fight was still going on. My brain just couldn't catch up, neither could my heart. Was N.E.S.T still in one piece? Was William alright?
Heck...were any of them even alive?

My mouth dried at such thoughts, gulping loudly to try to keep myself together. I slowly stood to my full height, trying very hard to stay on two feet and not collapse to the asphalt road that was covered in blood and glass.

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