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Last time on Heartbreaker...

"Court, you haven't said a word since I swept you up from Scott.." Suddenly bringing the attention to her, Courtney looked over to catch the mother's worried eyes geared towards her. "Don't look at me like that. I'm fine.."


Chapter nine ;
Caught up

She laid in the bed, staring up at the ceiling as the tattoo artist got ready for bed a few feet away from her. "You still up, Princess?" Even though he was met with silence, he knew the aspiring lawyer was still awake. Climbing into the bed with her, a small smile came over his face as she turned to face him. "So.. what happened after we left... "


"Get off! You're a fucking psycho, Nelson!" The redneck shoved himself away from the three men, specifically glaring at the Italian. His face was already bloodied and bruised up. His left eye swollen, black and blue. His lip matching it, and his nose bleeding (on the verge of being broken).  "No wonder Courtney is falling for me again! Are you jealous? Is that why y-" He was sent flying to the ground again by Duncan's fist. About to go into wailing on him again, Duncan was stopped by the Latino. "Let him get up. Let him breathe." The blonde then turned to the two joining them. "Maybe we should just drop him off. He's pretty roughed up, guys. And that's me saying that."


"Wow... that's a lot." She simply stated looking away from him for the first time since he started the story. "Then what?" "Alejandro asked him shit about Mal, he didn't confess to anything- are you okay, babe?" The two locked eyes for a second before Courtney looked away from him again. "It's just.. what if Mal was lying? He could've just said Scott was working for him cause he's in town." He raised an eyebrow, skepticism creeping onto his features. "Court.. what? Why would you even believe this loser?"

"I-it's not that I believe him. Just I don't think they have any connection. And i feel bad. I don't think he would work with someone like Mal." Now the Italian was the silent one. Courtney turned to look at him again as she felt the bed shift, and was met with his back as he got up. She sat up quickly watching him grab an extra blanket from their drawer. "What are you doing ? Are you actually upset that i feel bad for him?" He huffed walking back over to the bed to grab his phone. "No. I'm just going to sleep in the other room." She scoffed at his response, hitting the mattress for dramatic effect. "Cause you're angry at me for feeling bad!" "No! No I'm not! I'm fucking angry cause my fiancé is worried about how her ex is, and defending him when I did this whole thing for you!" After his outburst, the room fell silent once again, before Duncan exited.


9 am

Courtney stood in the kitchen in her pajamas, preparing breakfast for the two. The argument was her fault. Duncan was right. Why was she defending Scott? She shook her head of the thought, pouring Duncan's coffee in his mug. Her phone played Rihanna's "Desperado" making her glide around the kitchen in rhythm. The Italian chuckled as he exited the guest bedroom, following the sound of the music to see his fiancé dance as she flipped the canadian bacon in the pan.

"What's hotter Ms. Barlow.. the food or you?" Turning to look at him, the brunette gave him a small smile as he approached the cook. "Definitely me." She joked, laughing with him as he planted a kiss on her cheek. "Can't argue with you there." She pointed him towards their island to take a seat as she began to put together his plate. "I'm sorry about last night. I was the one that told you guys he's probably working with Mal. And as your future wife, I shouldn't be worried if the ex you just beat up is hurt. I missed sleeping next to you last night." As Courtney served him his plate, the former delinquent smiled adoringly at his fiancé.

"Speaking of.. I've just been thinking- what are we waiting for let's move the wedding up. Let's get married in a month!"

SO SORRY for the long ass wait ! I had so much life stuff going on , and then I lost a lot of momentum with this book, but this year I will be back and better . and hopefully Duncan and Courtney can finally live happily ever after.. but probably not

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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