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Last time on Heartbreaker ...

Bridgette looked to see if Courtney would answer her fiancé, before taking a breath to answer the delinquent's question. "Well, long story short. Scott is working for Mal.."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


Chapter six ;

The four turned to see Trent and Gwen standing in the doorway, anger present on Trent's face. Gwen holding onto his arm securely as she locked eyes with Courtney, who looked like she just saw a ghost.  "What did you say, Bridgette?" The heavy tension present in the shop made even the goth sweat. "Guys..." Exchanging a confused look Duncan and Geoff joined their girls' side. Bridgette leaned into Geoff as she looked at the couple, and Courtney stood frozen in place between the blonde girl and her fiancé before blurting out. "Mal called me!" Everyone's attention diverted to her as she took a breath, "it was a short call but... he called me from jail. He said he missed our 'game' and he sent a sub in. Which is Scott.. according to him." Silence took over the room as no one really knew how to respond. "You're lying." "Come on, Trent. You know Courtney, she wouldn't lie about something like this." Gwen nodded agreeing with the former delinquent, as she looked at Trent. Who shook his head aggressively. "No! No, she is lying!" Crossing her arms over her chest, Bridgette huffed squinted her eyes towards him. "Why would you say that? Why would Courtney lie?!" "Cause she's a slut!" Gasps echoed in the shop before Duncan rushed up decking the guy.


"Aye! Who says, who says you're not perfect. Who says you're not worth it-" "who says you're the only one that's hurting!" The two sung in the car loudly as they rolled up to Toronto's prison. "How do you think this is gonna go?"  Rubbing her six month belly, Heather turned to her ginger counterpart. "Not sure. This guy is literally demented. And that's coming from my psycho ass! but.. before we go in there, are you gonna be okay facing him after the wedding?" The intensity of green eyes that now looked at her threw the raven haired heiress off but gave her friend a nod. "I'm me. Now let's go tell this bitch off." The two entered the building, a chill going up the Asian's spine as they approached the giant metal detectors that awaited behind the front doors.

"Are you sure you're good, Heath?" She felt like her baby was doing the clog on her intestines telling her this was a bad idea. But she wasn't afraid of anything, she could do this. She was Heather Lee. "I can get through this. I need to be able to talk to him." Mal's face still showed his infamous smirk as he walked over and sat down at the long table that was separated by glass. He went unnoticed by the two as Izzy patted her shoulder smiling at her, Heather returned the smile before the tapping of the phone on the glass made the girl jump harder than she usually would. Panic took over her face as she met his dark gaze. She quickly got up holding her stomach protectively, giving her friend a finger as she exited to the waiting room snatching her phone from the guard that stood at the door. Her breathing was faster and she could tell her heart heart was probably beginning to quicken as she put the phone her ear, trying to keep herself from crying as she listened to the phone ring. "Mi amor.. are you okay?" "No... babe I need you to calm me down please! I have to talk to Mal but.. I don't think I can. Alejandro, I saw this man's face and I felt literal fear. An-" "I am on my way right now carino. Count to ten as you take deep breaths, you don't have to go back in there till i get there."


The goth was kneeled down to her now unconscious lover before Geoff sighed of disappointment looking down at the musician. "Gwen.. get him out of here. He can't-" "He can't be in my shop. That's for damn sure!" The tattoo artist rolled his eyes as he grabbed his fiance's hand pulling her over to the counter, placing a kiss on her hand. "You okay, princess?" An annoyed giggle escaped her lips as she looked up at Duncan. "I know you are, you were waiting to do that for a long time. I think I am though.. the call kinda fucked with me but Heath and Izzy went to talk to him." The former delinquent raised an eyebrow at the brunette as he lowered her hand, not breaking eye contact with her. "Now what the hell is up with your ex?" As if on cue, her phone dinged in her free hand, making her bring her screen up into view of the two of them.

maybe : scott | 1:00 pm
hey Courtney, it's Scott
Trent gave me your number you free later tn ?

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