Garden Mazes and Distant Gazes Debut (Part 3)

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Arla was in shock when she saw the two soot plush toys but she sighed.

"So why are you here when freya and I specifically told you to stay put?" She asked as she crossed her arms sternly.

The two looked at her and each other Piggy acted in peril and Bunny came to the rescue and hugged Piggy they jumped up and down in joy and gave each other a high five.

"You came…to help?" She asked not entirely understanding what she just was but she seemed to have guessed right because they nodded.

"And how exactly do you intend to help?" She asked and they froze for a moment in thought before they dropped into depression. 



Obviously they haven't thought it through. Arla thought.

"Your want to help both Charlotte and I is very admirable, but Bunny you're still getting your bearings in your new body and Piggy you were recently born were you not?" She said.

The two dolls now looked guilt, Bunny kicked his leg in defeat and Piggy sat there extremely dejected. She realised that they were way out in the open and she picked them up and dove into the bushes before they could be spotted.

"Well now that you're here you can help me." She said and they looked confused.

"Look, I'm not so happy having you on the field with me, but admittedly I can't send you back because you both will get caught and that's not something I'm willing to let happen and I can't keep you both beside me at all times because it'll be suspicious. So here's what we're gonna do and you're gonna make sure to do everything I say okay?" She said and they nodded and looked at her attentively.


Arla waved Bunny goodbye and he dove into the bushes hidden from sight while Piggy was tucked in her dress hanging loosely from her collar.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Arla muttered as she took out the map to follow; she knew that Louise was hidden in the floral part of the garden and that she and Charlotte shared the number one spot making one of these number one markings. Unfortunately she couldn't find out which one Charlotte was and so she decided to follow the path she's on and the unfortunate part was there wasn't any shortcut to get there.


"Mu, Mu."

Arla felt Piggy poking the map.

"Hmm? What is it?" She asked Piggy who got her attention. He pat the paper showing that there was a shortcut but she'd have to walk over the walls and make some squeezes here and there.


"Well it is better than going around the entire garden. Alright let's go." She said deciding to go.

"I've got to admit this place is pretty cool." Arla said as she walked over the walls.


"What the heck?!" Arla yelped at the sudden explosion, it shook the earth and she felt herself lose her balance from the sudden it and she fell.

Uh-oh. She thought as she braced for impact. Instead of feeling the cold hard surface of the ground she felt herself being caught.

"Are you alright?"

"Shaun?!" Arla gasped in surprise when she found that it was him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I should be asking that question. In fact I should also be asking what exactly were you doing up on that wall?" He asked looking especially stern.

"Sorry, I was just trying to find my Mistress without using the long way." She said.

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