The orphanage

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the next day he walked through the streets

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the next day he walked through the streets. he wanted to find her. definitely.
when he saw the boy on the street who had accompanied dahlia. without hesitation he walked over to the little boy who was on his way home.

"hey boy!" I shouted over the place.
The little one looked at the shelby boy." Hello?"
"what's your name?" I asked him.
"...I won't say anything. Luise Said that I'm not allowed to talk to strangers" The little boy answered.
Luise that's what they called her now. This is my chance.
"I'm not a stranger. i know louise she is a good friend of mine."
"Oh really? Then we are also friends. "
"Yes, of course."
"My name is Phillips."
"Where do you know Dah-..Luise? "
"Ahhhh, i know her from the orphanage. She takes really good care of us."
"Could you show me where it is?"
The little boy offered his hand. Finn took it and started to walk with him.
"You know? Since she take care of his. She is like an angel. She is always friendly and always has a smile on her face. She is so cooollll."

After 20 minutes walk, they stopped next to the church. It was a small building, falling apart. "You are living here?"
The boy ran into the house. I followed him quietly. As I walked in, I could hear the voice of the boy shouting: Luise, luise. We have a visiter.
"Really? Then you should welcome the person correctly, hmm?"

She was cleaning the floor, when she looked up. "Oh hello, I didn't know it would be you. How are you doing, buddy?"
"I am doing well. How about you?"
"... I am doing great..."
"Could you find the person, you were searching for? "
"...yes." She was right in front of me.
"Oh really. That's great."
"I need to do some work. Fell like home." She smiled. But something was different.


"You found her" Polly asked.
"Yes... She is a worker in the orphanage. She takes care of the kids there. But something seemed off with her."
"I will go now."
"Take me with you."
"No, you need to stay here...
When Thomas ask for me, don't tell him. Just make him stay here."

POV Polly Gray
I walked through the street. I hoped that she was it. I hoped it. For us. For me. Especially, for Tommy.
Tom wasn't the same anymore. He had gained his smile through her. He has lived properly again. He was like a different person. He didn't swear in front of her. He acted like a boy in love. The love had done him good. She has done him good. Now he was just the shell of himself. He lives only for work and for us. You can see it in his eyes. The cold had reached his heart. He lost himself.

After a while I arrived at the orphanage. I went to the door and knocked. Someone opened the door and I could not believe my eyes. The face. The smile. The hair. She looked older. I looked at the girl who i looked at like my own daughter.
"hello madam, how can i help you?" She asked.
I stayed still for a minute. I just looked at her. I was close to tears. Finn had truly found her. After all this years. It is impossible!
I cleared my throat: "hello my name is polly gray. i am from the d-...shelby foundation. i would like to see the children."
I couldn't say the name. She heard it from Finn. She would think something wrong.
"oh, hello my name is luise. I take care of the kids. I will show you around. Please come in."
I walked in and walked behind her. Luise. What did they do to her? I need to find out. I need a prove that it was her.

As a child run to us. The kid wanted to talk to Dahlia. She leaned forward and I could see a chain hanging from her neck. I could see a ring on the end. I stepped closer to her.
It was tommy's mother's ring. He gave it to her as a weeding ring. Now I had it. It was the proof that it was her.
Without thinking twice I asked her: "where did you get the ring from?"
she straightened up again. she looked at me with a sad look.
"I don't know. it was the only thing I had left. I can't remember my previous life. They had found me. I don't have any memories from before after they found me.."

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