Chapter 17

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We pulled up to the front of Mac's house, it coated in shadows. He told me he only had to get a couple things so I waited in the warm car.

Lisa came out a minute later, hurriedly jogging to the car. I opened the door and got out to talk to her.

"Hey Jess, Mac says you weren't feeling too well and your parents aren't home," Lisa says kindly putting her hand to my forehead, her eyebrows pulling together mirroring her sons worried face.

"Yeah, I just have a bit of a headache. My parents are gone to Georgia," I explain the details of my parents' business to Lisa as she seems interested.

She leans in closer to whisper, as if someone may be hiding in the dark around us, "Mac always worries most about the people he cares about," she reveals.

I smile and look down at my feet, a warm feeling spreading in my stomach.

Her smile glistens, and I return her with a small one of my own.

Mac appears at the doorway and I give him a tiny wave. He walks up to us quickly trying to catch the words from our conversation, clutching a grocery bag filled with god knows what.

"Hey," he raises his eyebrows skeptically. "Ready to go?" he motions towards the cars with his head.

Lisa's eyes flicker to Mac and then settle on me. I look at the ground, avoiding the eye contact.

"See you kids later," she hugs me and then in turn squeezes her son and he leans down for her, to routinely place a kiss on his forehead.

He opens the door back up for me, and we return to the comfort of the car. When we are settled and music is playing again, Mac drives off and heads for the back roads on the edge of town.

"So what were you and my mom talking about, that had you blushing so hard I could see it in the dark when I came back?" Mac clears his throat, the sound filling the space.

My laughter erupts out of me like a spitfire, which catches him by surprise, causing him to glance at me to make sure that I'm alright.

I sigh, hoping my laughs answered the question. I'm not telling him.

The trees grow denser around us as we head further and further to the outskirts of our small town.

"Why did you tell your mom I was sick? I had to lie to her, and she's a literal nurse, and I didn't like it!" I sit back in my chair relaxing more.

"Well I thought you were going to make yourself sick with all your anxiousness, so it wasn't all a lie. Anyway it wasn't my place to say," he's being earnest with me, and I appreciate it.

"Thank you," I whisper.

Heaven only knows how much he has helped me.


"Come on," Mac grabs my hand in his and leads me into the gas station.

It's deserted, apart from a woman manning the cash register.

"Hey Mac," she beams, happy to see him.

He waves and they chat back and forth. I'm surprised by the interaction and all I learn is that the woman's name is Jacinta and there is a meal deal in our local grocery store going on.

Jacinta turns her attention to me and regards my presence beside Mac. Her smile gains three sizes and I smile kindly back, still scared of the attention.

"She's a pretty one, where did you find her Mac?" she hums.

I blush, aware of Mac's lingering gaze down on me, before introducing me and agreeing with her.

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