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Vicky's POV:
It's been a few hours seance everything. I have just been thinking to myself why, why is no one helping, why is everyone against me? I don't understand. But while thinking to myself I fell at tap on my shoulder.
"Ah!" I shout "you scared me,"
I look and see a child with brown hair and eyes, and a red jacket.
"Sry," the child says
"It's fine daycare," I say reassuring him
Daycare is what people call the child.
"Well... I heard about what happened..." he said a bit softer
"oh," I say as my expression changes into a sadder one as I lower my head
"I wanna help!" He says
Confused I repeat what he said "you wanna help?"
"Yeah! I can get you to Steve." He says chery.
Now this confused me. As the only way I can get to Steve is by creator who I know won't help or by a portal time. A portal the only one I know we have is kept my creator who I know won't just give it up. So I ask how and very proudly
He says "I am small so I can sneak in and get the timer!"
I know I should say no to him but he could be very helpful. Plus I can have an alibi. So we spend 1 hour just making a plan. Finely we put the plan into action.
First we make a distraction that will take a few days to fix by unplugging the cameras. Next daycare takes the timer and slides it under the door for me to get. Then I go to my room and use it. When I step though I am right where I should be... the portal room. Now all I have to do is find the portal that will bring me to Steve.
I had thought that this part would be easy... I thought wrong. Bc of the distraction earlier this part the last part is now impossible. I can't find anything is here. It's all dark and the only light is from the portals but they don't produce much light. After 7 hours of trying to find what I am looking for I find it.
"Wow that took forever." I say to myself
When I step though the portal I see people. Not knowing what to de I just stand there frozen. Before they notice I remember I can his myself so I do. Now no one can see me.

After a bit of looking around I find Steve. He is all broken. I wish I could fix him. The only problem is... I don't know how much to do anything with an animatronic. Fixing him is out of the question but I can look at YouTube to find and fix something small things so he can at least turn on. But... he is pretty destroyed his condition is terrible. I really don't know what to do plus I don't have any tools. But I can just watch YouTube and try not to make anything worse.

Hello again!!! I hope you liked this chapter/part this one is a little longer but still relatively short. Next chapter/part will come tomorrow I will try to add a chapter/part every day.

(Words: 548)

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