A new friend

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Steve's pov (for the rest of this chapter):
I was just charging not doing much. I see freddy (glamrock freddy) walking past. I don't say anything as I still need to change. That's when I notice a worning.
("Why is ther a woring") I think to my self. My sistem the announces I am on 15%.
("WHAT! What happened?") I think ("the chargeing station should be working")
("I don't understand satand") I continue to think to myself. I decide to leave but just before I could I get another message.
*#*system failure*#*
Before I could react I get shut off. Vanny's laugh can be heard outside the chargeing station. As she holds a bottle of water and walks away. I can fell water fall on me slipping into my wires and macnical parts. That must be why I got shut off. That must be why I was not charging.

Time skip brought to you by: time

I open my eyes and see nothing.it's pitch black kinda. This place or whatever's it's pitch black with nothing anywhere but there's still light. As you can still see. It's weird. I look down and see a small plus. I then walk around just to bump into a wall? Why is there a wall here? I fallow the wall as it comes to an end with another wall.I quess this place is smaller then I thought. Why? I go back to the plus and press it. Out of my surprise a hole with a slide opens up in the floor. ("There is nothing here so I might as well go down") I think to myself. Was going down I start to regret my decision. This slide is a lot longer, lonelyer, and darker then the room is was in. When I get to the end I see light. As I get out of slide I can see things and can tell where the walls are now. I look around and see another plus. I decided to press this button. But right right before I could I get stopped.
"STOP! DONT PRESS THAT!" The person yells at me
"What? Why not?" I ask "it worked last time and brought me here." I continue
"I know what happens...and it's not good" said the person
"Ok...wait!... I recognize you" I say
"I thought you would" the peoson says
"Yeah...your the one who tried to fix me" I say
"Yes, hello again steve" they start "it's nice to formally meet you...kinda" they say
"Your name is Vicky right?" I ask
"Yeah" the peoson now known as Vicky says
"Ok but what is this place and how do I get out." I ask
"Well, this place is in a sense your mind" Vicky tells me
"That makes no sense I was here before and it looked different" I say
"Well that's because of two things" she starts "1. Ever mind has multiple layers with each layer representing a different part of the peoson. And 2. Bryan is no longer posseing you." She says
"Ok but how did I get here?" I ask
"We'll I think creator did something so that when ever you shut off/power down you come here." She explains
"Do you...think...you could hang...out with me when I leave?" I ask as I am still mad at everyone for taking a month to find me.
But before she could answer I wake up in the charging station I that I am at 100% now. I look out the small window and see Bryan and a few others. I leave and Bryan try's to talk to me but I just walk up the stairs completely ignoring him. As I walk I can hear him and the others calling out my name. I ignore the yelling and go my green room. I press a button that closes some curtains. Every room has this button just not alot of people know about them. I go over and sit on the small stage when all the of a sudden (I had completely forgotten how to spell "of" oops) I see Vicky appear in front of me sitting down. I see in her hand a small light and I think she some how locked the curtains. We stair at each other for a while in silence. I then have this random thought pop up in my head so I start telling Vicky about it. As I keep rambling about the most random topic far of from the first thought she looked at me, She smiled at me. I don't remember the last time someone sat and just listened to me about what I wanted to talk about. I start to get happysad on the inside. I liked this feeling of a friend. Now a days of I wanted to talk to anyone it would always be something going on and something serious. I wish more of my friends were like this willing to listen to what I have to say about whatever take my opinion seriously. I like having Vicky around. After a while I here voices. They sound like my friend voices specifically moltens voice. Now why would molten be concerned over me.
"Steve!" Molten says I don't say anything back
"STEVE!" He starts to yell I stay quiet again. I lost the happy feeling now it's just sadness I don't like yelling. Vicky comes over and hugs me. Molten tries to open the curtains but fails. I ignore what they are doing and start talking to Vicky again. I was hoping the happy feeling would come back but it never did. Molten starts talking again.
"Steve" he says "how are you talking to?"
"STEVE!" He starts to yell again
"OPEN THE CURTAINS!" More yelling
"No" I say back calmly trying to stop the yelling. I knew that as long as Vicky was here they could not get in. That's when I hear a muffled voice. And with that Vicky is gone.
("no") I whisper think to myself
Molten then bust though the curtains.
"STEVE!" I can't tell who but someone yells at me.
"OMG STEVE ARE YOU OK?" I can hear Bryan ask. Now this confuses me. Until I see that happened. Water. MORE WATER! I get another error worning. Oh try to speak but I can't. What is going on. I then shut off. But I don't? Even though I am turned off I can   Still feel and see. I can't move or speak. I am then brought down to the basement as Bryan fixes me. I can feel it. It hurts. I wish I was no longer mad at them but I can't help it. I would say thank you but feeling this pain makes me more angry at them. Why? Why am I so angry? I don't understand!? I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I realize I am saying out loud. As I continue to repeat my voice starts glitchig in and out. Water, it had gotten to my voice box. This is not good...


Hey guys wow! So that was a lot. The longest chapter I have written. Well I hope this is keep you content for now. I do hope you have a good rest of you day. Ummm yeah that's all. Also sorry for the mess. I just started to write down the first things that came to my mind. Ok so now that's all. Bye for now. Byeee!!!!!

(Words 1243)

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