Chapter 16: Don't Press The Button!

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Kameron: Neko!! Get your a** in here!!

Neko:*Walks in *Yeah?

Kameron: Where the hell where you?!

Neko: Trapped.

Kameron: Trapped where?

Neko: A place



Kameron: Your f*cking done kid...

Neko: *Pulls out cake*Not while have this handy dandy piece of cake.

Kameron:*Takes it* You got lucky.

Neko: I always have cake.

Kameron: Always?

Neko:*Goes cross eyed always* Always.

Kameron: Ok...

Jeff:*Flies in and crashes into Neko*

Inu: Get back here you son of a b*tch!

Jeff: *Scrambles and tries to get away.*

Neko: *Gets up and kicks Jeff sending him into the nearest wall.* Get off me.

Jeff: Owww.

Kameron: The hell did he do?

Inu: I'll show you. *leads them towards the kitchen*

Kameron: Holy sh*t...

Everyone except Inu,Kameron,Neko, and Jeff: *Turned to stone.*

Neko: What...*Turns on Jeff* DID YOU DO!!!!!!!

Jeff: *Punches Neko* Don't yell at me!

Kameron: So you not only managed to turn everyone else into stone. You punched Neko in front of Inu.*Shakes head.* You really are stupid.

Inu: *Turns into a giant demon dog* YOUR MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Jumps at Jeff*

Jeff:*Runs screaming* All I did was push a red button on the counter.

Kameron: And nobody told you not too?

Neko:*Inspecting the Midknight statue.* Apparently not.

Kameron: *Sees the button still on the table. Shrugs and hits it.*

Everyone who was frozen: Don't hit that button!

Neko: Bit late don't you think.

Kameron: You're all ok!

Offender: Worried about me huh?*Pulls out Black rose.*

Neko and Kameron: *Look at each other and then in sync say*We will kill you

Offender:*Rose wilts* Awww just once?

Kameron: I will kill you.

Neko: I will help.

Midknight: I didn't even realize I was frozen...

Nikki: Me neither.

Sophie: Where is Jeff anyway?

Jeff:*Flies in from the living room*

Kenta:There he is...

Inu:Hey Neko!!

Neko: Sup!

Inu:Someone named Priscilla is asking for you!

Neko & Clockwork: Priscilla!!!! *Both rush towards the door*

Izzy: Who's Priscilla?

Shadow:Beats me.

Midnight: You know anything about her mom?

CreepyPasta Mansion of Dares.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ