Chapter 11: Party Hardy

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Inu: *Throws a  knife at le computer*

Jeff: * Ducks as tha knife almost hits his head* What the hell man?!

Inu: Aww get over yourself

Neko: I heard the laptop Ding * Checks dares* Hmmm these aren't that bad.

Inu: So what are the dares?

Neko: @KameronForseth dares us to fight for the last piece of cake.

Inu: Cake?! I will have it you know that right?

Neko: *Vanished*

Inu: Sh*t

Neko: *Freezes Inu and then kicks him across the room*

Inu: *hits wall and Ice falls off* So cold.

Neko: Sorry ,but the cake is mine. * Starts eating it*

Ben: I guess I'll do the rest of the dares.

Jeff: Ok shorty start reading

Ben: *Gives Jeff a quick death glare* So @xXMoonandGrinXx dare us to get Midknight a wolf and throw a birthday party for her.

Kameron: Yes to the party, but I think she needs to mature a bit more before I let her handle two extremely dangerous animals.

Sophie: *  Walks in with Jester* I heard party.

Jester: Oh a party huh? Sounds like fun.

Kameron: Wait you can talk?

Jester: Yeah of course I can.

Kameron: Shut up! I didn't know.

Sophie: Don't worry about it not manypeople know a talking sabertoothed tiger. 

Kameron: Speaking of animals. Sophie do you think you can tame an animal for me?

Sophie: Sure! What kind of animal are you thinking of?

Kameron: I want  *Dramatic Pause* a T-Rex

Sophie: O-okay, but in order to tame it you have to fight and kill it after I place a spell on you.

Kameron: Why do I have to kill it?!

Sophie: Its like a soul transfer. The animal becomes part of your soul as long as your alive it will live. They don't need to eat either, but it makes them stronger if they do.

Kameron: Ok I get it now.

Sophie: So how about this. Neko, Ben,Sally,Jane,Trendor, and Splendor get the party ready.

Trendor: I'll pick out the gifts then.

Sally: Me and Neko can handle the decorations.

Splendor: I'll get the food ready.

Ben: I'll hand out the invitations.

Sophie: Great! Let's go Kameron.

Kameron: Ok.

*Deep in a random forest*

Sophie: Ok Kameron choose wisely, because once an animal is linked to your soul you can't get another one.

Kameron: I choose that one. * Points to a van sized T-Rex*

Sophie: Its so small

Kameron: So its big enough to ride yet small enough to fit in the mansion.

Sophie: Good point. Now are you ready?

 Kameron: Yeah

Sophie: *Mumbles arcane words* Go!

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